Page 84 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 84
Chayei Adam - K’lal 141 - Laws of the Tekiahs & Berachos & Who is Obligated In Them
sound of the shofar, [for] if it is an echo, he doesn’t fulfill his obligation. This
depends on distance and therefore one must be close to the shul. Similarly, those
who are imprisoned in underground dungeons and blow shofar there, the air
mixes up the sound and even [for] one who is close by. Therefore the people
standing outside above ground must discern if they heard the sound of the
shofar, or the sound of its echo. If [the circumstances] are reversed, that the shofar
is blown outside and the people listening are inside, some say that if they are
standing close by, they will always hear the sound of the shofar, because it is only
when the shofar is blown in a pit or cave that the sound is altered by the air of the
cave, which is not the case when blowing outside. Yet, some say that even in this
case, he must evaluate. Nevertheless, we don’t rely on people’s expertise and
therefore if he evaluates that he only heard an echo, he should blow [shofar]
again with a beracha, and if he is doubtful, he should hear it again without a
beracha. If however both the person blowing the shofar and the one hearing it
are inside the pit, they certainly hear the sound of the shofar. 27
]6[ The shofar must be blown while standing. We learn this from the omer
where it says “and you shall count for yourselves” and here it says “it shall be a
day of teruah for you”, and in [the parsha of] omer it says “from the start of the
standing crop” and the Sages understand this to mean [that one should fulfill the
mitzva while] standing. Therefore, one should not lean on anything [in a way
םדו רשב
we are unable to discern. The consensus of the shul. He does however agree that in this case,
poskim is to be stringent like the Taz if he may rely on his own evaluation as to
possible. (Shulchan Aruch HaRav, Mateh whether or not he heard the sound of the
Efraim, Mishna Berura) actual shofar. The poskim rule in accordance
with the Taz (See Biur Halacha who also
24. See previous note and the opinion of debates the status of a shul which is in a
the Taz cited there. The mishna only mentions basement, and the Aruch Hashulchan who is
blowing shofar in a pit or cistern, but not in a more inclined to be stringent if the windows
building which is completely above ground. are closed.)
The Taz however extends the concern to
listening to tekias shofar from outside of the 25. The Beis Yosef understands that the