Page 82 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 82
Chayei Adam - K’lal 141 - Laws of the Tekiahs & Berachos & Who is Obligated In Them
unless the one blowing [the shofar] intended to discharge the obligation of those
who hear it, and that the ones listening should intend to fulfill their obligation [as
well]. However, if the one blowing had intent, but not those listening, or vice
versa, they don’t fulfill their obligation. However, it is not necessary for the one
blowing to have in mind to discharge the obligations of specific people, but
rather just that those who hear him should fulfill their obligations. It is assumed
that one who blows in a shul intends to discharge anyone who hears it. Therefore,
if someone lives next to the shul, or goes to a place nearby the shul, if he intends
to fulfill his obligation, he does. However, those who blow in the home of an ill
person or for a woman after childbirth, and someone who lives nearby hears it, he
doesn’t fulfill his obligation, because we assume that he only intended to blow for
the sick person. 22
]5[ One does not fulfill his obligation unless he hears the actual sound of the
shofar, but not if he hears it mixed with another [sound]. Therefore, one who
hears it from outside of the shul must evaluate whether or not he heard the
םדו רשב
20. R’ Zeira told his servant “intend and require intent in order to fulfill them. This is
blow [shofar] for me”. (Rosh Hashana 29a) also the opinion of the Bahag, Ramban, and
Rashi there explains that he instructed his others. The Ran, however, understands that R’
servant to have in mind to discharge R’ Zeira Zeira doesn’t necessarily disagree with Rava,
of his obligation. The gemara explains that this and he only stressed that his servant should
is in accordance with R’ Yossi’s opinion who be sure to produce the sounds of the tekios,
qualifies a beraisa which teaches that but not necessarily intend to do so for the
(although the listener must), the one blowing sake of the mitzva and in fact many rishonim
shofar does not require specific intent, as (Ramban, Rashba) rule that mitzvos do not
referring to the case where the shofar is being require specific intent. Accordingly one fulfills
blown for a tzibur, where he has everyone who his obligation, unless he specifically intends
hears it in mind. not to (Rabeinu Shmuel). The Shulchan Aruch
R’ Zeira’s instructions to his servant are however, rules that one must have intention,
repeated again on 33b (see previous note). and the Chayei Adam here follows this
The Rif there cites only R’ Zeira, making no opinion.
mention of Rava’s position, leading the Rosh
to conclude that the Rif held that mitzvos 21. For if one passes a shul and hears the