Page 18 - Online Collaborative Learning_Neat (perbab)
P. 18

Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

                         Collaborative learning can take many forms, including group projects, discussions,
                  and debates. This approach encourages students to share ideas, listen to others, and work

                  together to achieve a common goal. This can help students develop a deeper understanding

                  of  the  subject  matter  and  improve  their  ability  to  work  with  others,  communicate
                  effectively, and solve problems (Pujiati, 2023). The most common feature of collaborative

                  learning is that learners are not separated by elements of ability, achievement, interest, or

                  other characteristics.  In other words, the collaborative learning approach is implemented
                  based on the diversity of learners' characteristics. Separation of characteristics will disrupt

                  and  weaken  learners  to  get  the  opportunity  to  learn  collaboratively  with  other  learners
                  (Diana, 2020). There are four characteristics of collaborative classrooms or learning. Two

                  characteristics relate to changes in the relationship between teachers and learners. The third
                  characteristic  relates  to  the  new  approach  of  the  teacher's  delivery  during  the  learning

                  process.  The fourth  characteristic indicates the content of the classroom  or collaborative

                  learning (Wahyuni, 2017).
                         1)  Teachers  and  learners  share  information  with  each  other.  In  collaborative

                  learning,  learners  have  the  space  to  assess  and  build  knowledge,  personal  experience,
                  communication  language,  learning  strategies  and  concepts  according  to  the  theory,  and

                  relate socio-cultural conditions to the learning situation. Here, the teacher's role is more as a
                  mentor and learning manager than as an instructor and rigid supervisor.

                         2) Sharing tasks  and authority.  In a  collaborative learning or  classroom, teachers

                  share tasks and authority with learners, especially on certain issues. This allows learners to
                  draw on their own experiences, share strategies and information, respect each other, foster

                  the growth of intelligent ideas, engage in creative and critical thinking, and encourage them

                  to take an open and meaningful role.
                         3) Teacher as facilitator. In collaborative learning or teaching, the teacher acts as a

                  facilitator. The teacher's role is to help connect new information with existing experience
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