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Is learning in Religion anything like what I did in primary school?
Different primary schools offer different kinds of religious education: you may have attended a
Christian primary school and learned about the sacraments, saints, holy days and the life and
teachings of Jesus, you may have participated in an Ethics Program; your religious education may
have been separate from school; or you may not have taken part in a religion class yet.
You will still be able to study Junior Certificate RE because you will use a lot of the things you have
learned already, such as communicating your ideas, questioning, working in groups and finding out
information using technology.
Progression after the Junior Cycle
Leaving Certificate Established – Exam Religious Studies or Religion Education non exam.
Leaving Certificate Applied – Religion
Career Note
RE helps you understand how people make decisions,
how people are inspired by their religious beliefs, how
conflict happens and how it can be solved. It can help
you solve problems and think for yourself when working
with others and can be helpful if ever planning to travel
to or live-in other countries.
Some popular careers associated with the study of
RE include Religion Teacher, Reporter,
Human Rights Advocate, Theologian, Solicitor,
Nun, Minister/Preacher/Rector.
St. Mary's Secondary School First Year Subject Choice 13