Page 69 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
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valuables. The necessity of its electronic designs and in major international cities. The IBV Supercar Club
high-end systems enables the company’s clientele to also aims to provide the best service, quality, and price
protect their valuables and have a continuum process of (preferential insurance and finance rates) to its clients
access in the most convenient way. The safety deposit and members, harmonising with the highest of IBV
boxes vary in four convenient sizes to customise your standards.
storage needs. Every assigned locker is fitted with a dual IBV CSI PROJECTS
lock security system. The implementations are smooth
and disturbance free, yet IBV ensures the most stringent IBV International Vaults prides itself in its CSI initiatives.
procedures for maximum safety and confidentiality. They are a well-oiled machine with about 10 years’
experience from doing various charitable initiatives
SERVICES such as the IBV Children’s VIP Day. Essentially the day
Jewellery signifies the reversal of roles where underprivileged
IBV’s clients have embedded trust in the facility to children from various children’s homes within the KZN
protect family heirlooms, precious metals, time pieces area are treated as the VIPs for the day, with business
and priceless collections. leaders becoming their executive helpers for the day.
Documents The event encompasses various activities and treats
IBV is the ultimate location to store your most important for the children, ranging from food and beverage stalls,
documents which eliminate the clutter from your normal fun and activity playgrounds, educational, career, art,
everyday files. By utilising the vault, your irreplaceable music, beauty & fashion centres, and an eye-catching
documents are protected from unforeseen events. supercar display. The day culminates with a two hour
Currency musical concert featuring some of South Africa’s most
IBV serves as a storage of value and enables you to accomplished artists.
reliably save, store and retrieve. This is a ‘cashless’ initiative and all sponsors who
Bullion partake in the event do so of their own volition.
This social initiative is also a perfect platform for
Gold has repeatedly become one of the most funda- businesses to interact with the homes in the hope
mentally useful resources that exists in human society. that they will use this opportunity to create an
IBV specialises in safe keeping for your precious gold ongoing relationship.
and silver commodities.
BULLION SALES Sewnarain said, “Today these children are living in our
world but tomorrow we will live in theirs. We believe
IBV Gold is a division of IBV International Vaults which that by showing these children how special they are
specialises in the trade of gold and silver commodities. by giving them a day just for them, we are making a
IBV SUPERCAR CLUB meaningful difference in not only our country but our
The vision at IBV International Vaults is to create the world too.”
most exclusive and distinguished Supercar Club in During the 2020 Covid 19 lockdown period IBV was
South Africa and the world. IBV Supercar Club aims quick to assist the 2000 homeless people housed at
to unite like-minded petrol heads with a penchant eThekwini municipal shelters that required assistance.
for supercars, through monthly track days and “I was able to respond quickly because I already had a
bespoke events. team of people who were able to do the logistics. When
With 700 supercar members across South Africa, the we make a commitment, we underwrite it ourselves,”
IBV Supercar Club is about to go global, with members he said. 67