Page 73 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
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of sugar cane cultivated by independent growers, shift in the ‘ways of work’ has been a move from the
together with a small tonnage of cane produced by in-person interactions to more consistently online
Illovo’s own agricultural operations. Land holdings or digital forms of communication. Many growers
in South Africa have been strategically reduced have missed the physical conversation and face-to-
from the mid-90s to make way for the growth and face engagement. However, the good news is that
development of Black smallholder cane growers Illovo has been able to fast track the adoption of
within Illovo SA’s cane supply areas. digitalisation and technology amongst its grower
base, which would possibly have taken longer had
Illovo SA sugar markets are largely domestic, with the global pandemic not occurred.
sales into the world raw sugar market. Downstream
products are primarily export focused. The company Shared Value
also operates a state of-the-art sugar warehouse Illovo SA aims to build thriving communities within
and distribution centre providing a strategic link the communities in which it operates through
between its sugar factories in KwaZulu-Natal various CSI initiatives. The group lives its Shared
and its nationally based customers. There are six Value mandate to foster thriving South African
sugar producers in South Africa with combined communities and key to its success is in the
production of under two million tons. continued efforts in partnering with government,
engaging with stakeholders, communities, and
Illovo’s first presence was recognised in KwaZulu- consumers to understand societal challenges. Illovo
Natal in 1891. Illovo SA today is an invested, SA is committed to creating an environment in
long-term contributor to South Africa’s economy, which both its business and the communities that
committed to partnering for the continuing trans- host its operations thrive through its presence and
formation of its agricultural and sugar production the operations there. They actively engage with
local and regional leaders to identify and implement
Illovo SA prides itself on its positive contributory CSI projects that address select vulnerabilities
role in the sugar industry creating meaningful within the communities.
rural employment opportunities in KwaZulu- While most companies cut their CSI budget to
Natal. Illovo SA has been instrumental in weather the financial constraints of the pandemic,
creating sustainable formal employment oppor- Illovo SA identified this as an opportunity to impact
tunities; as well as creating platforms to support and the communities which surround its operations.
enable businesses in the cane growing community
in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The business is playing its The pandemic has negatively impacted not just
part in building rural economies and entrepreneurs. individuals but corporates as well and because
Illovo SA understands the impact COVID-19
Technology has had on our communities they have found it
While using technology to connect with Illovo SA’s pertinent to offer a helping hand. Therefore, for
grower base has been one of the biggest growth part of its Back-to-School initiative they donated
areas over the past nine years, it has accelerated sanitisation stations for all the classrooms, ablution
during the coronavirus pandemic. A significant facilities and admin blocks at nine schools. 71