Page 16 - KZN Business Sense - Hantie Plomp
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Colette Tanner, Payroll than what the leader says. The
Manager, DRG leader must lead by example,
as these actions will influence
the organisation’s behaviour.
riving Leaders who endorse a greeting
through culture, the culture of saying
Done of the ‘Thank you’ or showing
northern suburbs gratitude and appreciation for
I noticed a roughly efforts made, has the employee
written sign: feeling acknowledged.
Be Both’. When mistakes occur, creating
There is an environment of support
harmony in and providing honest feedback
this word. with clear direction and where
expectations are unambiguous
In a poem called “Kindness” is essential. Teambuilding and
by Naomi Shihab Nye (1952), relationship building is key to
she writes how: “Before you the success of creating a kind
know what kindness really is, workplace. Where employees
you must lose things…feel the can get to know one another,
future dissolve in a minute.” they will learn to trust and
I believe that there is enormous rely on one another, which
merit in recognising the human creates an environment for
and showing kindness to those open communication and active
around us and likewise to listening and one where you will
our colleagues with whom we find less conflict.
share our day. Being kind in
the context of the workplace Only Kindness
is largely misunderstood, as Mental wellness has certainly
is being human. Studies show been brought to the forefront
that an organisation that uses with the pandemic. A
a kind approach to employees significant focus on employee
exhibits a higher retention rate. well-being and mental wellness
A kind environment creates a relationships, the sense of and includes storytelling make the employees as effective is central to growing a kind
positive environment and one belonging, openness, curiosity, and ‘the way we do things as possible supporting business culture. Reaching out to
that employees want to operate and the need to continue learning around here’. Culture shapes goals and providing value. a struggling employee by
within as the environment is can only encourage a positive the way employees interact, A high-performance culture providing a ventilation system
supportive, collaborative and work environment, cultivating behave towards one another, is characterised by a shared through remote working models
the sense of team is palpable. highly engaged, satisfied, and and engage with customers purpose and goal, supportive can go a long way in helping
Kindness also produces productive employees. Being and clients. Culture is vital in and inclusive leadership, those who are grappling to find
improved productivity; an human is not being nominal but shaping overall performance, respect, open to feedback and their way back.
employee feels valued when they about being authentic. employee satisfaction, and healthy conflict. Research At the end of Nyes poem on
are encouraged to contribute how the business is received shows that an organisation that Kindness she writes: “it is only
Being kind is not passive
openly and are heard. This or lamenting, rather being both internally and externally. exhibits kindness reports on kindness that makes sense
acknowledgement gives the kind is about trust, honesty, Culture can be consciously reduced attrition and related anymore, only kindness that
employee a sense of achievement fairness, taking the high road, cultivated by leadership or costs, as well as improved ties your shoelaces and sends
and job satisfaction.
and considering others before emerge organically over initiative and creativity, all you out in the day to gaze at
Kind workplaces increase the oneself. In the workplace, time based on the history of while boosting well-being. bread. Only kindness that
sense of belonging and improve this would be considered the business and employee raises its head from the crowd
employee wellness as an the company culture. The behaviour. Barriers to Kindness of the world to say. It is I you
openness exist. A culture that workplace is a cross section A common barrier to have been looking for and goes
expresses kindness enhances of employees with individual A Culture Of Kindness kindness in the workplace is with you like a shadow or a
performance where a team beliefs, personal values, Creating a culture of kindness the perception that showing friend.”
spirit is visible, a sense that ideologies, and norms, all of in the workplace starts with kindness is a weakness.
your team has your back and which through identifying, the leadership, where there Negative leadership or a toxic Acknowledgement Swinand, A. (2023)
thus creates a space more likely harnessing and in some cases is a sense of worth, and the company culture, where “Why Kindness Pays off”.
to demonstrate innovation cultivating the company valuing of an individual’s aggression towards people
and creativity. Kindness in the values, the employees wear views and contributions in the and tasks is expressed, and DRG, DRG Siyaya
workplace should not be an the company culture and organisation, amongst open where employees or teams are Contact Colette Tanner,
enigma or seen as a weakness. demonstrate a unified force. communication, a sincere overloaded or overwhelmed, T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
Strong brands are often built greeting culture, fairness in the stymie kindness. If a team or E:
A Focus on People on the back of a culture that recognition of employee efforts, employee is overstretched, W:
How would we then define is made tangible through its honest regular feedback, and an there is no time for kindness.
human and being kind? people. Reinforcing the values open and transparent approach Managers must be vigilant
in the organisation embeds to employee expectations. where an employee or team is
The decision to be kind is and indoctrinates employees All of which harbour a safe overwhelmed as kindness will
visceral and must be real. where the manifestation of environment and a high- not be the first port of call.
Research shows that being the cultural traits and where performance culture, which
human in workplaces involves behaviours are authentic. upholds excellence. Leaders should pursue
a focus on people and through kindness strategies should they SCAN
this creates a sustainable and Organisational culture is a There is a positive correlation wish to consciously nurture
successful business. A culture shared set of behaviours, a between kindness and a high- kindness as a trait in their QR CODE
that promotes key human traits, collective of personalities across performance culture. In a high- organisation. The starting TO SEE
for example, empathy towards the business, company best performance culture, the work point is the leader; employees VIDEO
others, the need for meaningful practises and business norms, environment is designed to watch more how a leader acts