Page 11 - KZN Business Sense - Hantie Plomp
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                    Dr Lisa Kinnear,                                                                                            with three of the manufacturing
                     Academic Director,                                                                                         students achieving distinctions:
                      Toyota Wessels                                                                                            Shiraz Dawood, David Frew and
                      Institute for                                                                                             Siphathisiwe Sibanda.
                      Manufacturing                                                                                              Graduation day reflects the
                       Studies (TWIMS)
                                                                                                                                personal accomplishment for
                                                                                                                                each and every student, not
                       W        hen                                                                                             forgetting their families behind
                                                                                                                                the scenes who have supported
                                                                                                                                them on the journey. But as a
                       students                                                                                                 class of manufacturing students
                       embark on                                                                                                on the TWIMS campus, these
                       their two-year                                                                                           students are part of something
                       journey of the                                                                                           bigger. The leadership lessons
        GIBS manufacturing focused                                                                                              learnt on the programme
        MBA on the Toyota Wessels                                                                                               will play a role in shaping
        Institute for Manufacturing                                                                                             teams, organisations and the
        Studies (TWIMS) campus, they                                                                                            manufacturing industry which
        arrive excited, apprehensive and                                                                                        they are part of. These graduates
        slightly overwhelmed. They have                                                                                         are ambassadors of responsible
        chosen to do something which                                                                                            management in a sector which
        takes courage and commitment to                                                                                         is critical to the prosperity of
        achieve their dreams.                                                                                                   our country and the continent.
                                                                                                                                Having achieved this first
          These students have                                                                                                   milestone we know they have
        demanding jobs already and                                                                                              what it takes to join our alumni
        family responsibilities, but                                                                                            in making an impact.
        they have bravely elected to   study: the first, the PGDip which   digital disruption, lean operations   As faculty attending, it is an
        invest in their development.   is the equivalent of an Honours   and resilient supply chains. In   honour to witness students you   Congratulations PGDip
        Each individual student has an   year, which then enables students   partnership with GIBS, the degree  have taught walk across the stage   manufacturing class of 2023! 
        extremely personal reason as   to proceed to the Masters year.   has been offered on the TWIMS   and receive the degree they have
        to why they are pursuing the   The programme is offered by   campus for the past five years.  worked so hard for.       For more information visit
        degree. But all students want a   GIBS on the TWIMS campus   On 16 April 2024 we celebrated   In its short five years, the
        quality, transformative learning   in Kloof, Durban. In the two   the fifth cohort of manufacturing   manufacturing focused PGDip
        experience, not simply letters to   years, students learn general   students reaching their first   and MBA has produced some
        their name. Graduations are a   business leadership skills infused   milestone in their journey – the   outstanding results, claiming
        celebratory culmination of this   with manufacturing specialised   manufacturing focused PGDip.   several overall top student
        deeply personal learning journey.  subjects which expose them to   The sun was shining of the   awards, research awards and
                                      a range of critical issues in the
          The manufacturing focused   sector, such as: sustainability,   University of Pretoria campus   subject prizes. The PGDip class
        MBA comprises two years of                                  and the atmosphere was jubilant.   of 2023 lived up to the standard


                 Luke Muller, Research   of 0.3% since 2003. WTO data   neighbouring countries and   efficient, high-capacity ports, to   sources and the diversification
                   Manager, TWIMS (Toyota   (recorded since 1948) indicates   regional economic communities.   enable the trade of value-added   of trade partners could help
                   Wessels Institute for   that this is the first time that   South Africa’s share of global   goods. By addressing bottlenecks  to mitigate against trade
                   Manufacturing Studies)  Africa’s share of exports has ever   imports and exports has   in the ports and encouraging   restrictions in the long-term.
                                      increased. There has previously   remained steady at 0.5% since   regional trade, African countries   The odds are in Africa’s
                           rade       been a steady decline in Africa’s   2003 but there are substantial   can tap into the global demand   favour for increasing its share
                           between    share which started from 7.3%   possibilities to boost intra-  for manufactured goods.    of global trade in the coming
                     Tall             in 1948.                      African trade with the correct   There are threats to Africa’s   decades, although this will
                       countries in    The downward trend has       policies and infrastructure.  trade growth, especially trade   require proactive measures
                        2022 totalled   reversed and there are a few   Manufacturing is a vital   restrictions. For instance, the   by African industries and
                        approximately   reasons to expect Africa’s role   component of modern trade.   European Union’s Carbon   governments. Africa can move
                        $31 trillion.   in global trade to expand even   Manufactured goods represent   Border Adjustment Mechanism   away from predominantly
                        The total     further in coming decades.    the largest share of goods    (CBAM) targets specific goods   exporting resources and increase
                        value can     Continued urbanisation will   exports (63%) followed by fuels   that are deemed too carbon   the sophistication and value-
        be separated into $24.2 trillion   allow for labour specialisation,   and mining products (21%)   intensive. Given that most   addition of export products by
        worth of goods and $6.8 trillion   and this combined with steady   agricultural products (10%)   developing nations are relying   putting manufacturing, and a
        worth of services, according   population growth will lead to   and other goods including gold,   on fossil fuels as their primary   stable, enabling environment
        to World Trade Organisation   greater goods production and   arms and ammunition (6%).    source of energy, any trade   for industries at the forefront
        statistics. Goods dominate    trade between urban centres. If   Container shipping and the trade  restrictions targeting CO₂ will   of priorities. Africa’s share of
        global trade and comprise all   the aim to gradually create an   of manufactured goods go hand   ultimately lower trade from   global trade is already growing,
        manufactured, fuel, mining,   African Continental Free Trade   in hand. The number of 20-foot   developing regions. All traded   and that trend is expected to
        agricultural, and other products.   Area Agreement (AfCFTA) is   equivalent units (TEUs) handled   goods have a carbon footprint   continue. 
        The collective countries that   even partially realised, this will   in ports around the world   and could potentially be taxed,
        make up Europe top the list for   further expand the continent’s   has continued to show steady   but the short-term objective of
        exports and imports by value,   trade opportunities. Many   growth and will soon reach over   CBAM is to target subjectively   References:
                                                                                                                                WTO: World Trade Statistical Review
        followed by Asia, and North   African countries are aiming to   900 million TEUs. The world’s   selected goods including iron,   2023
        America. All African countries   gradually lower tariff barriers,   busiest container ports help to   steel, aluminium, plastics and   TIPS: POLICY BRIEF: 1/2023
        only contribute to 2.7% of global   natural trade barriers, and   service manufacturing hubs,   organic chemicals. Continued   UNCTAD: Handbook of statistics 2023:
        exports by value, but it is worth   other non-tariff barriers with   this outlines the importance of   investment in renewable energy   Maritime transport indicators
        noting that this is an increase                                                                                         UN: Review of Maritime Transport 2023

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