Page 13 - KZN Business Sense - Hantie Plomp
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                  Anneme Coetzee, CEO,   a comfort zone, and how can we   2.  Avoiding discomfort:      of anxiety and stress, making it    empower them to reach their full
                   NLP Master Trainer  break free from it?            Preferring easy and           difficult for individuals to adapt    potential?
                                                                      predictable activities and      and thrive in new environments.  One solution could be to
                            hat is the   How Does the Comfort Zone     avoiding pain or discomfort.                             create a culture of continuous
                            Comfort   Affect Business Results?      3.  Rigid routine: Having a rigid    3. Lack of self-confidence:  learning and development,
                   WZone?              The comfort zone can have both     daily routine that rarely changes.    Individuals may doubt their    where employees are encouraged
                                      positive and negative impacts on                              abilities or skills, leading to
                      The comfort zone                              4.  Lack of excitement for      a reluctance to take on new    to take on new challenges and
                      is a psychological   business results. On the one hand,     learning new skills: Feeling      challenges or try new activities.  expand their skill sets. This could
                      state where a   it can lead to increased productivity     uninterested or unmotivated                     involve providing training and
                                      and efficiency, as employees feel
                       person feels safe,   comfortable and secure in their     to learn new skills or take on    4. Resistance to change:  development opportunities, as
                       secure, and in                                 new challenges.                                           well as creating a supportive
                       control. It is   roles. On the other hand, it can   5.  Flatlining results:      People who are comfortable in    environment that encourages
                       characterised   lead to stagnation and a lack of     Experiencing stagnant or      their current situations may resist    experimentation and risk-taking.
        by a lack of stress and anxiety,   innovation, as employees resist     declining results in their      change and prefer to stay in their    Addressing these challenges
                                      change and avoid taking risks.
        which can lead to increased                                   personal or professional life.    comfort zones, even if it means    requires a determination,
        productivity and creativity.   For example, a company that                                  missing out on new opportunities    and a willingness to embrace
        However, it can also lead to   has always done things a certain   6.  Living in daydreams: Thinking     and growth.     discomfort as part of the process
        complacency and stagnation.   way may be hesitant to adopt new     about other possibilities in    5. Uncertainty and discomfort:  of personal and professional
                                      technologies or processes, even if     love, work, or life but not                        development. Resetting or
        Why Should You Care?          they could significantly improve     taking action to pursue them.   Engaging in new activities    expanding your comfort zone
          In business, you are constantly   efficiency and productivity.   7.  General unhappiness: Feeling      or situations can create a sense    involves deliberately stepping
        faced with challenges and decisions   Similarly, an employee who has     unmotivated, disinterested, or      of uncertainty and discomfort,    outside familiar and routine
        that can impact the success of   always worked in a particular     unfulfilled in their daily life.    making it challenging for    experiences to embrace new
        the company. However, it’s easy   role may be reluctant to take on   8.  Problem-solving approaches      individuals to adapt and feel    challenges.
        to fall into a routine and become   new responsibilities, even if they     never change: Addressing      at ease.
        complacent, relying on what has   have the potential to advance     problems or challenges in    6. Limited support:     Ultimately, the key to breaking
        worked in the past instead of   their career.                 the same way repeatedly,                                  free from the comfort zone is to
        exploring new opportunities. This   However, the comfort zone can     using the excuse of ‘this is     Having a supportive    recognise its power and influence,
        is where the comfort zone comes   also hinder growth and prevent     how we’ve always done it’.    environment or network can    and to take proactive steps to
        into play.                    businesses from reaching their full                           be crucial for individuals to    overcome it. By creating a culture
                                                                                                                                of continuous learning and
          Why do employees resist     potential. When we become too   When leaving their comfort     overcome these challenges    development, adopting a growth
                                                                                                    and successfully step out of
        change, even if it could benefit   comfortable, we may miss out on   zone, people often face several     their comfort zones.  mindset, and seeking feedback,
        the company? Why do some      new opportunities or fail to adapt   common challenges, including:                        we can empower ourselves and
        business owners avoid taking   to changing market conditions.   1. Fear of failure:       What If We Could Break Free   our employees to reach new
        risks, even if they have the   This can lead to a decline in sales,                       from the Comfort Zone?        heights of success. 
        potential for significant rewards?   a loss of market share, and even     The fear of making mistakes or
        The answer often lies in the   business failure.              not meeting expectations can be    What if we could create a   T: +27 (0)82 887 1600
        comfort zone.                  There are several signs that     a significant obstacle that prevents   business environment that   E:
                                                                      individuals from stepping out of
          Why do we allow ourselves to   someone may be stuck in their     their comfort zones.   encourages risk-taking and    W:
                                                                                                  innovation, while still providing
        be limited by our own comfort   comfort zone, including:                                  a sense of security and control?
        zones, and what impact does it   1.  Predictability and boredom:    2. Anxiety and stress:  What if we could help our
        have on our businesses? How can     Feeling bored or unchallenged      Stepping into unfamiliar    employees break free from
        we recognise when we are stuck in     by their routine or activities.    situations can cause feelings    their own comfort zones, and


                                      Arts and as a Mellon Fellow at   Akbar Manzil was the grandest
                                      Stellenbosch University.      residence on South Africa’s
                                                                    east coast near Durban. Eight
                                       Her writing has appeared
                                      in The New York Times;        decades later when Sana and her
                                                                    father move to the house, the
                                      McSweeney’s Quarterly;        latest of Akbar Manzil’s long list
                                      HuffPost; O, The Oprah
                                      Magazine; The Sunday          of tenants, it is in near-ruins,
                                      Times (London); Marie         crumbling, shabby and dark.
                                      Claire; and others.            Full of questions about her
                                                                    new home, Sana is drawn to the
                                       Khan’s first novel, Onion Tears,   deserted east wing, home to a
                                      was shortlisted for the Penguin   clutter of broken and abandoned
                                      Prize for African Writing and
                                      the University of Johannesburg   objects – and to the locked door
                                                                    at its end, unopened for decades.
                                      Debut Prize for Writing in
        Shubnum Khan                                                Soon, Sana begins to discover the
                                      English.                      tangled, troubling history of the
            hubnum Khan is a South
            African author and artist.   Her essay collection, How I   house, awakening the memories
        SWhen not travelling,         Accidentally Became a Stock   of the house itself and dredging
                                      Photo was published in South
                                                                    up old and terrible secrets that
        Shubnum lives in Durban                                     will change the lives of everyone –
        writing and drawing for a living.  Africa and India with Pan
                                      Macmillan in 2021.            living and dead – at Akbar Manzil.
          She holds a Master’s degree in
        English and has been selected for   Her latest book The Lost Love   In the US and the UK the
        a number of literary fellowships,   of Akbar Manzil is a haunting,   book’s title is The Djinn Waits a
                                      a love story and a mystery, all
        including the Octavia Butler   twined beautifully into one   Hundred Years. 
        Fellow at Jack Jones Literary
                                      young girl’s search for belonging.   Source

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