Page 15 - KZN Business Sense - Hantie Plomp
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             ollowing a successful                                                                                               Each meal is tailored to
             resurgence of the annual                                                                                           the recommended dietary
        FCorporate Golf Day                                                                                                     allowances for elders aged
        hosted by The Association for                                                                                           60 and over; and is made
        The Aged (TAFTA) last year,                                                                                             affordable (either provided
        the non-profit organisation                                                                                             at no cost or at nominal rates
        is once again calling on                                                                                                based on an elder’s income)
        corporates and teams of                                                                                                 through fundraising efforts
        individuals to support this                                                                                             of the organisation to cover
        event in aid of Tafta’s Meal                                                                                            the annual operating cost of
        Delivery Service.                                                                                                       R643 000.
          With an ageing global                                                                                                  Shamam added, “We hope
        population and people living                                                                                            you will come out and show
        longer, Tafta hopes that it’s                                                                                           your support and we look
        Meal Delivery Service provides                                                                                          forward to seeing you on
        a way for older members of                                                                                              the green.”
        society to remain independent                                                                                            To find out more on how you
        while having their needs                                                                                                can participate in Tafta’s Golf
        adequately met.
                                                                                                                                Day, contact Tafta’s marketing
          This year’s event will tee-                                                                                           and fundraising coordinator,
        off at the prestigious Mount                                                                                            Kemmy-Leigh Moodley
        Edgecombe Country Club                                                                                                  on 031 332 3721 or
        on Friday, 31 May 2024 in     meals and drinks, dinner and   Tafta CEO, Femada             Over 12 000 nutritious,
        the usual 4-ball alliance, two   prize giving event.        Shamam shared insight         freshly prepared and ready-
        scores to count format. The    If you are not a golfer but   on the organisation’s meal   to-eat meals are conveniently 
        fee for a team’s participation   would still like to support   delivery service, saying; “This   delivered on an annual basis
        is R4500 – subsidising 75     this worthy cause, consider   community-based programme     to older people who want
        nutritious and affordable     sponsoring a tee at a cost of   is provided to both Tafta   to continue living in their
        meals while you network       R1500 and still enjoy a great day   residents and older people in the   own homes as independent
        and enjoy a day of golf with   of networking and marketing   community who are housebound   members of the community,
        friends. The fee includes your   your business or products, or   or who can no longer cook or   but who need assistance
        team’s green fees, halfway    even sponsoring a 4-ball prize.   afford to cook for themselves.”   with their meals.

                                                                                                                                    WE SUPPLY AND INSTALL ALL TYPES
                                                                                                                                            OF FENCING

                                                                                                                                       -WELDMESH FENCING
                                                                                                              YOUR PREMIUM FENCING SUPPLIER
                                                                                                                                       -CONCRETE FENCING
                                                                                                                                       -CLEARVIEW FENCING
                                                                                                                                       -STEEL PALISADE
                                                                                                                                       -BLOCK FENCING
                                                                                                                                           -WOODEN FENCING

                                                                                                                          Tel: 031 700 2606
                                                                                                                          Whatsapp: 079 620 4210
                                                                                                                          Physical Address: 120 Shepstone Road, New Germany

                                                                                                             TO ADVERTISE HERE

                                                                                                                             Contact Tracy Engelbrecht on:
                                                                                                                                   +27 82 877 7906

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