Page 14 - KZN Business Sense - Hantie Plomp
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                   Nikita Pillay, HR &   our energy more than in-person   gallery view can be overwhelming   These workplaces prioritise   employees to acquire new skills and
                    Compliance Best-  meetings, and it isn’t hard to   and distracting.           outcomes and performance. Goals   knowledge.
                     Practice Specialist,   understand why.          After all that, virtual meetings   are set, and employees are expected   ■   High-Pressure Culture:
                     DRG Siyaya                                                                   to achieve them, often with a focus   In contrast, high-pressure cultures
                                       Virtual meetings require a much   don’t sound too great as they   on metrics and accountability.
                                      higher level of concentration. You   did when we were in the recent                       are demanding and stressful. They
                            person’s   have to focus and concentrate   Covid-19 pandemic and forced to   ■   Customer-Centric Culture:   may have tight deadlines and
                            energy    on the speaker; extract relevant   engage online.           Customer satisfaction is      intense performance expectations.
                      A  a            information and you feel you have                           the primary focus in these
                        combination   to make the extra effort to give   Workplace Culture and Energy   organisations. Employees are   It’s important to note that
                         of their     social gestures so everyone knows                           encouraged to understand and meet   a workplace culture can be a
                         mindset,     you are paying attention. There   There are several different types   customer needs and expectations.  combination of these types or
                         their        is also a lot of set up involved.   of workplace cultures, and each   ■   Inclusive and Diverse Culture:   evolve over time. Organisations
                         dominant     We worry whether the internet   of these has an impact on how we   Diversity and inclusion are key   often strive to define and shape
                         thoughts,    will work, what we look like, our   absorb or deplete our energy.   values in such workplaces. They   their culture to align with their
                          and their   backgrounds and making sure    It is for you to analyse your   strive to create an environment   values and goals.
                         perception   that loved ones won’t walk in mid-  organisation to see if you fit   where people of all backgrounds
        of the world. Sometimes that   call if conducted from home or   into one or a combination of   feel welcome and valued.  Practice Good Faith, and this
        energy is easily felt, and other   our private space.       these cultures. This will help                              isn’t about religion; it’s about
        times it manifests subtly                                   provide answers on how energy   ■   Adaptive Culture:       knowing that the energy you give
        and subconsciously. Positive   Virtual meetings go against   is being utilised.           Adaptive cultures are flexible and   off is what you’ll attract. Take
        energised people, often make   every primal instinct our brains                           responsive to change. They embrace  the time you need to calm down
        you feel safe, happy, and relaxed   have learnt over the years. The   Some common types include:  change as a constant and encourage   and constructively address it or
        around them.                  sustained eye-contact for extended   ■   Innovative Culture:   employees to adapt and innovate   let step aside and refocus your
                                                                                                                                attention. Take care of yourself,
                                      periods can register as intimidating,  In organisations with an   accordingly.
          You might also absorb the   engulfing the body with stress                              ■   Traditional Culture:      focus on gratitude, being kind
        emotions and moods of those   hormones. The problem isn’t helped   innovative culture, creativity and   Traditional cultures often have   to others, working hard, and
        around you.  Being in a crowd   by the fact that we can’t gauge our   experimentation are encouraged.   long-established norms and   surrounding yourself with
        could leave you feeling exhausted   colleague’s body language over   There’s a focus on finding new   practices. They may be resistant to   positive influences.
        and emotionally drained. It is   video. This makes it difficult to fully   solutions and pushing boundaries.  change and tend to value stability
        probably difficult to watch violent   understand whether people are   ■   Collaborative Culture:    and continuity.      Keep your frequency high, and
        movies, or even the news.                                   This culture emphasies teamwork,                            you’ll project the positive energy
                                      following the meeting and judge   open communication, and   ■   Ethical Culture:          you desire.
          If you absorb the energy around   social cues. It is no wonder that we   cooperation among employees.   These organisations prioritise
        you and feel what others are feeling,    get off a video call and feel fatigued.  Collaboration is valued, and   ethical behaviour and integrity in   We would love to take you
        then you might be an empath.   Virtual meeting etiquette is a   hierarchies may be less pronounced.  all aspects of their operations. They   through our DRG Sustainability
                                                                                                                                Model which also touches on
          Human energy can be depleted   must to avoid people speaking over   ■   Hierarchical Culture:    have strong codes of conduct and   Energy and Culture within the
        in a business from various    each other. Mute when not talking   In a hierarchical culture, there is a   ethics.       workplace. 
        perspectives. One of which we   to avoid any annoying or awkward   strong emphasis on structure and   ■   Learning Culture:
        touch on are virtual meetings.  background noises and keep your   authority. Decision-making tends   Learning is highly valued in these
                                      background as plain as possible.   to be top-down, and roles and   workplaces. They encourage   Contact Person: Nikita Pillay
          Virtual meetings, interactions   Encourage attendees to switch to                       continuous development and    T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
        or online social events drain                               responsibilities are clearly defined.                       E
                                      Speaker view. The standard video   ■   Results-Oriented Culture:   provide opportunities for   W:


              ZN Top Business is proud   Some of the leaders who are   knowledge to those following in
              to be publishing a leaders’   participating include:  their paths.
        Kportfolio in 2024.
                                      ■   Ashley Bell, Bell Equipment  An edited version of these
          Much material has been      ■   Michael Keats, Goscor     interviews can be found online.
        researched and written about   ■   Pat Moodley, Industrial
        the topic of being a good leader.     Development Corporation  KZNTopBusiness
        As has been said by Tony
        Robbins, “The importance of   ■   Aurelia Alberts, Innovate    The content of the interview will
        leadership lies in the ability to     Durban                be used to create a written profile
        get things done. Leadership   ■   Jay Patel, Royal Tyres    which will be featured in an old-
        allows you to communicate     ■   Rob Kelso, SA Homeloans   fashioned hard-covered coffee
        a clear vision and then unite   ■   Isaac Mbatha, Sky Tents   table book. This book will be an
        your team around that vision.   ■   Lubin Ozoux, Sumitomo    absolute classic with historical
        Companies with great leaders are     Rubber South Africa    value; a must have publication.
        creative, innovative and agile.   ■   Jonathan Naidoo,       The written profiles will also
        They also have positive company     SmartXchange            be uploaded to our website
        cultures with a sense of purpose   ■   Pat Symcox, RE/MAX Coast and   Isaac Mbatha            Jennifer Reddy
        and passion.”                                               shared on social media.
                                        and Country 
          More now than ever our      ■   Jennifer Reddy, Morar
        province of KwaZulu-Natal needs     Incorporated            If you have any queries or would like to
        inspirational people around us to   ■   Shamla Pather,  Shamla    nominate someone to participate, please
        face the many challenges we have.     Pather Attorneys      contact:
                                                                    Angela Alderton,
        And we really need people to be                             C: +27 (0)66 206 5654,
        focused on the right things for the   ■   Frikkie Brooks,  Brooks    E:   or 
        right reasons.                  Facilitation Services       Grant Adlam,
                                                                    C: +27 (0)83 262 9529,
          Through the KZN Top Business   The Top Business team is   E:
        Leaders’ Portfolio we are proud to   interviewing each leader online   W:
        recognise some of the outstanding  and delving a little into their lives,
        individuals in the province who   purpose and achievements.  The
        do have the ability to inspire and   participants are also being asked
        who are making things happen   to share some of the insights
        for the good of their business   that they have  gained on their
        entities and further afield.  journeys, which is invaluable                               Pat Symcox                    Lubin Ozoux

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