Page 17 - Kindness - No Forward
P. 17
Uses inflection and drama
Much hand and body movement
Likes contact
Bright or noticeable clothing
Likes to be noticed
KOALA Good listener
Gentle handshake
Conservative dresser
Quiet volume
Slower moving
Reserves opinion
Likes sincerity and status quo
FOX Asks instead of tells
Neat dresser
Fact oriented
Fewer gestures
Lower volume
Fewer facial expressions
Likes formality
By observing these signs, we can come fairly close to quickly anticipating
the behavior of most of the people with whom we communicate.
And this is important to attempt.
By treating everyone the same way, we are going to conflict with a fair
number of styles. So even if we predict incorrectly, our chances of
improving communication are no worse than if we stick to our usual style.
Communication is one instance where “I just want to be me” doesn’t work.
We must adapt.
Sales studies indicate that people tend to buy from people they like. Think
about this for a moment…you have a chance to buy a car from either of two
dealers. They are identical in price, features, service; everything is equal.
However, you like one salesperson and not the other. Who gets the deal?
So we tend to buy from people we like….nothing too surprising about that.
But these same studies indicate that we tend to like people who act like us!