Page 86 - Kindness - No Forward
P. 86
Show Your Approval
There are two wonderful phrases to incorporate into your regular
vocabulary. Phrases to use soon and often:
1) “You did well.”
2) “You’ll do well.”
It makes no difference how you package these packages, the words you
actually use are not important. The important thing is to let the other
person know you recognize their good work and that you have confidence
in their ability.
In business today, there are many trite rules and phrases which fall under
the category of “overused”.
I dare you to overuse these phrases!
I also challenge you to “make a difference” in your firm or organization by
stepping up and doling out credit.
I recently spent time on the Board of a company where the Chairman had
an interesting habit of referring to the company as “my company” when
things ere good. However, the minute things turned sour, the “my” would
turn into “they” (as in the management). In other words, credit was claimed
for the good, rejected for the bad. How motivated was management to do
well when the credit always went to one person?
Unfortunately, this is too often the case. Individuals who strive to take the
credit and reject the responsibility for errors seem to be par for the course.
One of the most frequent complaints that is heard, both in business and at
home, is “I’m just not appreciated.”
How hard is to just stop for a moment and praise somebody?
How much trouble would it be just to say a few words when we catch
someone doing something right?
But many people rarely (and some never) seem to get around to praising
We have all been around people who lavish praise and compliments on
others to the extent that it becomes obvious that their intention is to either
get praise back or become liked themselves.