Page 12 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 12




              By David “Sensei“ Stainko
                  – Mag. of  kinesiology
                           Master 7th Dan

               A  sports  injury  in  the  nArrow  sense  cAn be cAused by the contrActions of
               of  meAning  signifies  the  injury  typ-        one’s own muscles, such As - Achilles
               icAl  of  A  pArticulAr  sports  Activity  tendon rupture due to strong muscu-
               or  A  certAin  sport,  According  to  its  lAr soleus contrAction.
               mode of occurrence And frequency. it
               is  sAid  thAt  every  injury  thAt  is  typ- if  we  tAlk  About  the  expected  prob-
               icAl of the sport in question, or the  Ability of A certAin risk of injury in A
               one  thAt  hAs  hAppened  in  the  sports  pArticulAr  sport,  As  well  in  mArtiAl
               field, is A sports injury from the legAl  Arts,  then  stAtistics  And  records  of
               point of view.                                   sports injuries Are first And foremost
                                                                problemAtic. the results of stAtisti-
               one of the simplest definitions is:              cAl  treAtment  depend  on  mAny  fAc-
                                                                tors, And these AgAin on the heAlth
               “the injury is All the dAmAge to the  institution  in  which  they  Are  col-
               tissue  suddenly  generAted  in  A  cer-         lected. it  is  understAndAble  thAt,  if
               tAin, defined And limited time.” from  this  does  not  meet  All  the  require-
               the medicAl point of view, sports in-            ments, it cAn cAuse A lot of mistAkes
               juries Are the pArt of the trAumAtol-            thAt give An incorrect picture of the
               ogy field thAt deAls with injuries, no  reAl situAtion. it will be different to
               mAtter  how  they  occur  And  where  collect dAtA in A generAl hospitAl or
               they  Are.  when  it  comes  to  sports  At A speciAlist sports injury fAcility.
               injuries  or  dAmAges,  the  implicAtion  Also,  A  speciAlized  institution  will
               is mostly of those cAused by mechAn-             Accept certAin selected Athletes (es-
               icAl  force. mechAnicAl  forces,  how-           peciAlly According to the severity of
               ever,  Are  not  considered  to  be  only  the  injury),  so  thAt  no  reAl  stAtis-
               externAlly  Acting,  such  As  A  kick  of  ticAl picture cAn be expected. A reAl
               An  object,  An  opponent’s  strike  or  A  picture  or  A  better  reAlistic  picture
               blow  to  the  ground,  but  Also  they  of the number of injuries in A pArtic-

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