Page 13 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 13
ulAr mArtiAl Arts will be obtAined - Another person (deliberAte injuries
if the number of injuries is brought in A sports fight, unintentionAl in-
in proportion to the number of Ath- juries, cArelessness, poor technique,
letes. it is very difficult, And prAc- neglect, roughness in the sport, An
ticAlly impossible to gAther right opponent who hAs A better tech-
informAtion on the number of Active nique, An opponent of excessive body
Athletes. perhAps it is only possible weight)
to compAre the number of Athletes
insured (especiAlly AgAinst injuries in - mArtiAl sport itself As A sport in
sports) with the number of reported which, According to estAblished And
sports injuries. Agreed rules, A violent injury to An
opponent is permitted
According to the severity of injury,
sports injuries cAn be clAssified As - sport equipment (incorrect or in-
follows; AppropriAte clothing or footweAr,
worn out equipment, poor or insuffi-
1) - the most serious injuries - mortAl cient protective equipment) - defec-
2) - severe injuries - with permAnent tive floor in the hAll (sliding, dAm-
disAbility for work And sports, Aged, etc.)
3) - medium severe injuries - with lon-
ger disAbility for work And sports, - sAfety meAsures (poor exercise As-
4) - eAsier injuries - with short term sistAnce, ie lAck of Attention by the
inAbility to work And sport, instructor)
5) - quite light injuries - with short-
term incompetence or no reduction in
work And sports Ability. the most common injuries in some
mArtiAl Arts
by studying the cAses of disAbility
And the number of injuries of A num- one of the typicAl injuries in mAr-
ber of Active Athletes, some stAtis- tiAl Arts (kArAte, ju - jutsu, judo,
tics hAve determined these possibili- wrestling, mmA etc.) is A joint in-
ties of injury risk; jury of the fingers. Among the frAc-
tures, the most common ones Are of
- to 40 Athletes per yeAr - 1 sports the knuckles, the bone frActure of
injury, the scAphoideum, As well As the bone
- to 4,000 Athletes per yeAr - 1 cAse frActure under the thumb (especiAl-
of disAbility, ly during the breAkout technique -
- to 40,000 Athletes per yeAr - one tAmeshi wAri). typicAl injuries of box-
mortAl outcome ers (like kick boxing, sAvAte, mmA,
muAy thAi etc.) Are vArious shifts And
According to stAtistics, sports inju- frActures of the fingers And wrists
ries Are most often of An eAsier nA- with dAmAge of the joint hinges. Ap-
ture (80% with A disAbility of less propriAte bAndAges, good blow tech-
thAn six weeks). nique And good gloves cAn help to
reduce the frActure of your fingers.
one of the frequent injuries is the
the most common cAuses involved in injury known As A boxer’s thumb. the
the AppeArAnce of sports injuries Are; injury of the boxer’s thumb is the re-
- the persons themselves (tiredness, sult of repeAted sprAining of the pAl-
neglect, insufficient wArming, poor AtAl joint.
technique, existing or over-illness,
unhygienic And disordered life, over- dislocAtion is most commonly cAused
coming their own Abiltiies, feAr or by bAd techniques when performing
trembling At the competition, negli- hAnd grips or by bAdly plAced bAnds.
gence in work, poor motivAtion) depending on the severity of the in-
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