Page 15 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 15

weeks, And for A bone frActure  two  months. in tAe kwon do (cApoeirA,
                  to three months, depending on the  As  well  As  some  kung  fu  And  kArA-
                  severity  of  the  injury. for  the  toe  te  styles)  there  Are  Also  frequent
                  And the elbow bones frActures , the  injuries  during  vArious  jumps,  with
                  recovery time cAn be from three to  muscle fibers of the quAdriceps fem-
                  six months. when the rib is broken,  oris  dAmAges  hAppening  more  of-
                  the  time  of  remediAtion  is  At  leAst  ten,  And  sometimes  there  is Achil-
                  four to six weeks.                              les  tendon  rupture  due  to  strong
                                                                  musculAr  contrAction  of  muscle
                  one of the typicAl injuries or, bet-            soleus. Also, the knee joint mAy be
                  ter sAid, dAmAges to fencing (mod-              sprAined,  which  mAy  even  hurt  me-
                  ern fencing, kendo, iAi do, ko budo,  niscus. in meniscAl injuries, As well
                  kAli,  Arnis,  some  forms  with  weAp-         As in Achilles tendon rupture, the
                  ons etc.) is considered to be inflAm-           time  to  repAir  the  injury  cAn  lAst
                  mAtion  of  the  mediAn  nerve.  due  from three to four months.
                  to  mAny  movements  in  the  mAnu-
                  Al  wrist,  directed  downwArds,  As
                  well  As  frequent  movements  with  there  Are  vArious  heAd  injuries  in
                  the  hAnd  down,  there  is  An  elbow  mArtiAl  Arts.  the  heAd  is  A  desir-
                  injury often described As - the ten-            Able  goAl  becAuse  A  well-directed
                  nis elbow. such dAmAge is the result  blow to the heAd often knocks the
                  of  excessive  progressive  tension  of  opponent down. Also, A blow thAt
                  the foreArm muscles. the result of  cAuses  A  short-term  loss  of  con-
                  this  excessive  strAin  is  the  micro-        sciousness  of  the  opponent  often
                  trAumAtic  chAnges  in  the  AreA  of  leAds to victory. in boxing A strike
                  the  muscle  movement  in  the  tibiA,  thAt  Affects  the  heAd  primArily
                  in  the  tibiA  itself,  And  in  the  AreA  cAuses  the  movement  of  the  heAd,
                  of  the  tetAnus  joint  on  the  bone.  then  the  movement  of  the  brAin
                  the  mAin  symptom  of  such  dAmAge  mAss. these moves Are not simultA-
                  is pAin, which cAn be so strong thAt  neous. in the first stAge the skele-
                  the Athlete cAnnot sleep A wink. to  ton of the skull is moved, And then
                  repAir such An injury, it is necessAry  only  the  brAin  mAss  follows  thAt
                  for the Athlete to stop the Activi-             movement. in  the  second  stAge  the
                  ty from one to three weeks. one of  skull comes to A stAndstill, but the
                  the frequent injuries to the fencing  brAin mAss is still moving in the di-
                  is Also the injury of the muscles of  rection  of  the  force  Action.thus,
                  the upper thighs, often cAusing pAin  the  injury  mechAnism  necessArily
                  in the groin. such Aches meAn thAt   cAuses dAmAge to the brAin mAss At
                  the  Athlete  should  stop  trAining  the point of impAct or on the oppo-
                  within  A  period  of  two  weeks  And  site  side  (contrecoup),  or  it  dAm-
                  up to one month.                                Ages the blood vessels between the
                                                                  meninges And the brAin.
                  one of the mAin injuries in mArtiAl
                  Arts  such  As  tAe  kwon  do,  kArAte,
                  muAy  thAi,  kung  fu,  mmA  etc.  is  in  mArtiAl  Arts,  the  most  common
                  Also A Ankle joint luxAtion. in such  consequence  of  the  stroke  in  the
                  An  injury,  swelling  of  the  Ankle  heAd  is  brAin  concussion  -  commo-
                  joint  will  very  quickly  occur,  so  tio  cerebri,  which  is  mAnifested  by
                  it  is  importAnt  to  immediAtely  put  functionAl  brAin  function  disor-
                  on A cold compression. in order to  ders,  without  Any  proven  morpho-
                  remedy such An injury, the Athlete  logicAl  chAnges.  the  heAdshot
                  will  need  to  stAy  still  for  two  to  thAt is strong enough to cAuse the
                  three weeks. if the Ankle frActure  condition  is  typicAl  of  A  mArtiAl
                  hAs occurred, the time to repAir the  Arts cAlled knockout (ko).
                  injury will lAst from three to four

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