Page 14 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 14

jury, the Ability to work, ie sports  tomA in the eArlobe thAt cAnnot be
               Activity will only be possible After  resorbed  And,  therefore,  creAtes
               one to two months with minor fin-               chArActeristic  irregulArities.  for
               ger injuries And up to six months in  thAt  reAson  wrestlers  use  protec-
               some hAnd frActures.                            tive eAr mAsks.

               typicAl wrestling And judo injuries  A common occurrence in wrestling
               (ju -  jutsu,  grAppling,  sumo, mmA,  is skin irritAtion At the bAck of the
               etc.) include numerous crAniAl And  neck, too. the elbow in judo (wres-
               bAck  muscle  crAmps.  Among  the  tling,  mmA,  etc.)  is  Also  exposed
               muscle  injuries  in  wrestling  And  to vArious injuries, especiAlly if the
               judo  (ju  -  jutsu,  grAppling,  sumo,  Arm is not strAightened before the

               mmA, uf, etc.) the most frequent  fAil.        furthermore, in judo (wres-
               one  is  Arm  muscle  dAmAge  -  biceps.  tling, ju - jutsu, mmA, etc.) there
               there  Are  Also  vArious  injuries  of  is  A  high  frequency  of   clAvicle  or
               the shoulder As well As of the An-              rib  frActure  As  well  As  frequent
               kle joint. when the opponent drops  typicAl  site  thumb  frActures.  de-
               And  throws,  the  heAd  cAn  hit  the  pending  on  the  severity  of  the  in-
               ground,  And  if  the  kick  is  strong,  jury, the Ability to work, ie, sports
               brAin  concussion  occurs.  typicAl  Activity  will  be  possible  in   ten  to
               wrestlers’ (mmA, grAppling, etc.)   fifteen  dAys  After  brAin  concus-
               eAr injury is othemAtomA And  if it  sion. to repAir the upper leg muscle
               is repeAted,  it  cAuses the deformA-           injury, it will tAke the contestAnt
               tion of the eAr -  the so cAlled cAu-           from three to five weeks, for elbow
               liflower eAr. othemAtomA is hemA-               joint injuries between eight And ten

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