Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 16

this is A stAte of combAt disAbility  tent, hAppens to AmAteurs. the con-
              (mostly  A  short-term  lAck  of  con-         sequences of frequent brAin shAking
              sciousness And disturbed motorics)  Are smAll brAin tissue dAmAges. the
              thAt  lAsts  for  About  ten  seconds  feAture of brAin tissue is thAt it hAs
              or  more,  cAused  by  vArious  blows  very  little  tendency  to  heAl,  And
              to the heAd, neck, And in the body,  there is no regenerAtion of specific
              ie in the left side of the chest or in  tissue At All. due to the frequency
              the liver AreA (then A mild uncon-             of All these injuries, in some of the
              sciousness is felt). After the brAin  combAtAnts, lAter, there Are grAd-
              concussion, the Athlete mAy return  uAl chAnges in the brAin structure,
              to sports Activities in ten to fifteen  which ultimAtely cAuse the known
              dAys, And compete, depending on the  condition  first  described  by  dr.
              severity  of  the  injury,  in  two  to  mArtlAnd, followed by dr. cArrel,
              three months.                                  dr. muller, dr. jokl, dr. cAvA,  As
                                                                                                                                    well As mAny other sports doctors.
              eye injuries Are very common in mAr- so todAy we usuAlly deAl with the
              tiAl Arts. they cAn be different And  post-trAumAtic  encephAlopAthy  of
              their outcome depends on the type  boxers.
              of injury, As well As on vArious pos-
              sible  eArly  And  lAte  complicAtions.  some  time  Ago  it  wAs  considered
              the  neck  injuries,  ie  the  cervicAl  thAt  this  dAmAge  wAs  mostly  con-
              spine,  Are  Also  not  A  rAre  occur-        nected only to boxers, but todAy it
              rence.                                         is known thAt the sAme dAmAge Af-
                                                             fects  sAvAte  fighters  (french  box-
              if An Athlete fights without proper  ing),  kick  boxing  fighters,  muAy
              teeth protection thAt is prescribed,  thAi              fighters,  mmA            fighters
              teeth, tongue, lips injuries And vAr- (ufc) As well As some other ones.
              ious  bone  frActures,  especiAlly  the  According  to  dr.  steinhAus,  even
              lower  jAw,  mAy  hAppen. one  of  the  About 7%  of  All  fighters (compet-
              typicAl injuries of Athletes of vAri-          itors)  show  signs  of  milder,  And
              ous mArtiAl Arts is the injury Above  About 5% of the fighters Are signs
              the eye known As the suprAorbitAl  of chronic post-trAumAtic encephA-
              Arch  rupture. Also,vArious   blows  lopAthy. vArious experts in mArtiAl
              in the nose cAn breAk the nAsAl bone  Arts, for exAmple, vArious trAiners,
              And the nAsAl cAvity. such repeAt-             sports  doctors,  sports  workers,
              ed And incorrectly treAted injuries  sports  journAlists,  And  Athletes
              deform the nose, resulting in A typi-          themselves  in  vArious  countries
              cAl boxing nose. sometimes frequent  hAve given this phenomenon or syn-
              strokes  in  the  eye  cAuse  An  injury  drome  different,  more  or  less  de-
              similAr to wrestling – othemAtomA  scriptive nAmes. thus, for exAmple,
              or deformAtion of the outer eAr. it  in AmericA, the term punch drunks
              hAs been Also found thAt with some  Are used for the AppeArAnce of com-
              Athletes, due to frequent heAd in-             bAtAnts  in  the  united  stAtes,  the
              juries, As well As A greAter number  germAns  mention  the  nAme-we-
              of  eAr  blows,  this  cAuses  pArtiAl  iche birne (soft peAr), the french-
              heAring loss.                                  d’ebriete  trAumAtique  (trAumAtic

              during A long-stAnding sports cA- in  the  initiAl  phAse  of  this  injury
              reer,  some  professionAl  fighters  in  the  person (contestAnt)  hAs  symp-
              some mArtiAl Arts go through hun-              toms     like    heAdAches,       vomiting,
              dreds  of  fights  in  which  they  gAin  drowsiness  etc.  And  during  this
              thousAnds  of  stronger  or  weAker  first  stAge  the  fighter  Also  shows
              blows in their heAds. similArly, Al-           significAnt  chAnges  in  chArActer.
              though  something  to  A  lesser  ex- the fighter (contestAnt) grAduAl-

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