Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 17

ly becomes euphoric, ArrogAnt And irritAble. Also, the fighter grAduAlly
               loses self-criticism. most fighters who hAve this syndrome hAve increAsed
               tetAnus reflexes, slower pupil reActions, And bAlAnce disorders. everyone
               thAt hAs A better mArtiAl Art knowledge, As well As who is A better trAin-
               er, sports physiciAn or experienced fighter (competitor), notices these psy-
               chologicAl chAnges of the fighter (contestAnt), but does not often recog-
               nize, misunderstAnds it, or deliberAtely ignores its meAning.

               the trAnsition to the second stAge is usuAlly unnoticeAble, And is mArked
               by mentAl or neurologicAl deteriorAtion. the fighter with previously fAst
                                                                             reflexes  becomes  consid-
                                                                             erAbly  slower.  Also,  too
                                                                             much  sensitivity  to  the
                                                                             blows is obvious And it is A
                                                                             phenomenon known As the
                                                                             glAss  jAw.  the  third  And
                                                                             finAl  stAge  of  the  injury
                                                                             usuAlly  occurs  when  the
                                                                             contestAnts          (fighters)
                                                                             ceAse  to  Actively  engAge
                                                                             in  mArtiAl  Arts  And  leAve
                                                                             the  sport  completely  or
                                                                             become  coAches.  common
                                                                             heAdAche  is  the  most  im-
                                                                             portAnt  symptom.  distur-
                                                                             bAnces  in  thought  And
                                                                             perception  Are  consider-
                                                                             Ably  enhAnced,  And  both
                                                                             heAring loss And frequent
                                                                             dizziness      Are     noticed.
                                                                             such  persons  Are  prone
                                                                             to  melAncholy,  which  is
                                                                             why  they  often  get  Ad-
                                                                             dicted to Alcohol or vAr-
                                                                             ious  AntidepressAnt  tAb-
                                                                             lets.  speAking  disorders
                                                                             like  stuttering  or  hArder
                                                                             pronouncing  of  complex
                                                                             words hAve become A com-
                                                                             monplAce. such persons re-
                                                                             flexively  perform  typicAl
                                                                             combAt  movements  when
                                                                             excited. in the finAl stAge,
                                                                             the  process  usuAlly  stAg-
                                                                             nAtes,  but  improvements
                                                                             Are not noticeAble.

                                                                             the only correct meAsure
                                                                             to  Apply  in  this  situAtion
                                                                             is  the  complete  cessAtion
                                                                             of mArtiAl Arts, both As A
                                                                             competitor And As A coAch
                                                                             (the  trAiner  cAn  then
                                                                             only be in A certAin stAtus
                                                                             – A coAch Advisor).

                                                                                          DECEMBER/2019     17
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