Page 52 - Hand rearing birds second
P. 52
Table 2.3 (Continued)
Development and
Species Feet (Tarsus/toes) Weight (g) Integument Beak / Mouth Vocalizations Other
LOONS (Gaviidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement and palmate; legs situated far back on body, walking awkward. Semi‐precocial young.
Common Loon Grayish black. Hatch: Down: thick, blackish‐ Grayish black, Contact and begging Iris: reddish‐brown.
(Gavia immer) 71.4–108.5 brown, slightly lighter on darker near base. call: peep‐peep‐peep. Fly at 12–13 wk.
undersides, belly white. Also, “yelp” and
Refs: 1, 7 Adult: F: 4657, Second down (at 3 wk) “wail” by 2nd wk.
paler than 1st.
(bna.313) M: 5974
ALBATROSS, SHEARWATERS, AND RELATIVES (Procellaridae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement, and palmate, no hallux. Altricial young.
Manx Tops and webbing Hatch: 32–50 Down: two stages. Grayish black, lower Begging: soft cheep or Nest in burrow on
Shearwater between toes 1st fluffy, long, soft, grayish mandible paler. piping calls. May cliff or
(Puffinus pinkish, underside Adult: F: 439, brown above, paler below. squeak or “chortle” outcropping, in
puffinus) of toes dark gray. M: 468 2nd down (6–12 d) darker when excited. colony on islands.
Leave nest 62–70 d
and coarser. (after parents
Refs: 1, 7 Primaries unsheathe at abandon at ~60 d).
(bna.257) 4 wk.
CORMORANTS (Phalacrocoracidae): Totipalmate. Altricial young.
Double‐crested Dark brown, turn Hatch: 27.6–34.7 Skin: shiny brown body, Beak: culmen 9 mm Chicks chirp when Hatchling: barely
Cormorant dull black. mostly pink on head and (avg). Egg tooth begging or stressed able to lift head.
(Phalocrocorax Adult: F: 1831, neck. Down: hatch mostly remains until d 4–7. (too hot), also hiss Eyes open by 3–4 d.
auritus) M: 2089 naked, by 6–7 d short down Mouth is pink in when threatened. Leave nest: 3–4 wk.
appears; by 14 d a thick, nestling and before flight. Fly at
Refs: 1, 7 black “wooly” coat covers juvenile. 6–7 wk.
(bna.441) nestling. d 16–19: throat
pouch is yellowish.
PELICANS (Pelecanidae: Totipalmate. Altricial young.
Brown Pelican Cream white in Hatch: 54.9–87.0 Skin: pink at hatch, Greenish gray in When begging chicks Hatchling: unable
(Pelecanus nestlings >24 d old. purplish‐pink d 2–4, more nestlings; wedge‐ make a “shrill, rasping to lift head, eyes
occidentalis) Adult: F: 3174, purple by d 5–6. Down: shaped at first and squawk.” are open but
M: 3702 naked except distal portion “short,” compared to nictitating
Ref: 7 (bna.609) Calif subsp. of wing; white down on adult, achieving full membrane not yet
adult length after
rump d 10–12; fully
larger covered by d 21–25. Juv. fledging. Slight hook
plumage complete by d 70. at tip.
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