Page 50 - Hand rearing birds second
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Table 2.3 (Continued)
Development and
Species Feet (Tarsus/toes) Weight (g) Integument Beak / Mouth Vocalizations Other
STILTS AND AVOCETS (Recurvirostridae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement and semipalmate, lack hallux. Precocial young.
American Long, olive tinge in Hatch: 19 Down: fully covered. Short, jet‐black, Make a chip‐chip‐chip Leave nest 1–24 hr.
Avocet juvenile. Hallux is Dorsal view is drab with nearly straight in call when stressed or after last chick
(Recurvirostra clawed and very Adult: F: 302, cinnamon tones, crown nestling. captured. hatches. Able to
americana) small. Webs are M: 307 and back mottled jet‐black. follow parents by
more developed Cream to white underparts. walking or
Refs: 1, 7 between 3rd and 4th Gray nape. Dark lines swimming,
(bna.275) digits. beginning at shoulders stronger by 2nd
meet into single line at day. Fly: 27 d.
mid‐back, becomes spotty
toward tail. Thin black line
through eye, solid or
broken or indistinct.
PLOVERS (Charadriidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement and semipalmate. Precocial young.
Killdeer Partial webbing (for Hatch: 9.6–10.1 Down: completely covered, Glossy black, short, High‐pitched piping Eye ring: bare,
(Charadrius swimming); lacks mottled buff, brown, black blunt wedge. Mouth calls when distressed yellowish‐ gray;
vociferus) hallux. Tarsus Adult: F: 101, on back. White on interior: pink or such as when changes to red by
pink‐buff. Nails M: 92.1 forehead, chin, throat, grayish‐pink. separated from juvenile. Iris dark.
Refs: 1, 7, 9 black. belly, and neck ring. Black parents. Able to leave nest
soon after hatching.
stripe runs back from the
(bna.517) eye. Wreathlike black stripe Become motionless
around crown. Broader if approached. Fly:
black band collars neck. 20–31 d.
Black mid‐dorsal stripe
(normally broken).
SANDPIPERS AND RELATIVES (Scolopacidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement and semipalmate. Precocial young.
Marbled Long, blue‐gray Hatch: 37 Down: fully covered. Dorsal Egg teeth on upper Unknown. Able to walk and
Godwit (Limosa tarsus with small view is pale buff‐brown and lower disappear peck at food at
fedora) hallux. Adult: F: 391, dappled darker with dark at 1–2 d. hatch. Fly: 26–30 d.
M: 326 crown, spotted on temporal
Refs: 1, 7 region. Underparts are
(bna.492) pinkish buff. Wings: buff
brown. Diamond mark on
lower back.
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