Page 53 - Hand rearing birds second
P. 53

Development and
              Species   Feet (Tarsus/toes)  Weight (g)  Integument  Beak / Mouth  Vocalizations  Other
              HERONS, EGRETS, BITTERNS (Ardeidae): Anisodacytyl toe arrangement. Altricial or semi‐altricial young.
              Snowy Egret  Tarsus darker than   Hatch: 20  Skin: grayish, tinted   Long, pointed, varies  Begging for food is a   Eyes: dark blue
              (Egretta thula)  toes, vary yellow to      greenish in areas. Down:   yellow to gray‐black,  buzzing sound of 2–3   around eyes, turns
                        gray‐black. Toes   Adult: 371  white, fully covered except   all black by 7 d   syllables.  gray by 7 d. Iris:
              Ref: 7 (bna.489)  yellow‐green by   wings, long on crown. Juv   (some become   pale gray, becomes
                        34 d. Long legs.
                                                                                     lighter, then very
                                              plumage mostly covers bird  yellowish w/darker
                                              by 2–3 wk.     tip). Mouth interior    pale by 34 d. Able
                                                             pale pink.              to climb out of nest
                                                                                     onto branches by
                                                                                     8–12 d. Leave
                                                                                     colony ~ 6–7 wk.
              Black‐crowned  Long relative to   Hatch: 24.2  Skin: pink shades. Down:   Light drab upper,   Food begging: pip, pip,  Iris: grayish or
              Night‐Heron  body, dull buff/     varies gray to rufous‐brown  grayish tip. Becomes  pip or Yip, yip, yip.   greenish at first.
              (Nycticorax   brown at hatch   Adult: 810  on dorsum, neck, head;   yellowish 5–10 d   Older nestlings make   Both parents care
              nycticorax)  turning yellowish to   lighter gray on ventral.   then black with   Yak, yak, yak or Chuck,  for young. Fully
                        gray‐green by 30 d,   White filamentous down   yellowish sides 50 d.   chuck‐a‐chuck, chuck,   feathered at 4 wk.
                        yellow by 2 yrs. Toes
                                              on crown (resembles a
                                                             Eventually long and
              Refs: 1, 7   drab on top,       crest) and femoral tract.   pointed.   Fly: 6 wk.
              (bna.74)  yellowish on          Natal down remains for   Mouth interior
                        bottom. Pink‐ivory    weeks.         pinkish.
                        nails.                Acquires adult plumage in
                                              second year.
              IBIS AND SPOONBILL (Threskiornithinidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement. Semi‐altricial young.
              White‐faced   Pink.   Hatch: 30.7  Skin: pink, crown reddish   Short, straight,   Begging: trilling   Eyes: partly open at
              Ibis                            pink (may change to light   pinkish, black tip,   cheeeeeeu at high‐pitch  hatch, fully open
              (Plegadis chihi)      Adult: F: 546,   orange 3 wk). Down:   base and middle   while bobbing head.  d 2. Adults feed
                                    M:697     brownish black, darker   band. Begins to   young by
                                              above, back of crown with
                                                                                     regurgitation for
                                                             decurve d 12.
              Refs: 1, 7                      white patches.                         6–7 wk. Leave nest:
              (bna.130)                                                              10–12 d, unable to
                                                                                     fly. Fly: 28 d. Leave
                                                                                     colony 6–7 wk.

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