Page 51 - Hand rearing birds second
P. 51
Development and
Species Feet (Tarsus/toes) Weight (g) Integument Beak / Mouth Vocalizations Other
MURRES, AUKLETS, AND RELATIVES (Alcidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement and palmate, lack hallux. Semi‐precocial young.
Tufted Puffin Dark gray, pinkish Hatch: 61–70 Down: fully covered. Light Bill: triangular Begging: continuous Eyes open at hatch,
(Fratercula gray web between and dark morphs. Most shape, blackish, cere peep, peep, peep. black. Both parents
cirrhata) toes and back of Adult: F: 744, sooty black upper, sooty undeveloped. care for young.
tarsus. M:806 gray below, few with white Fledge before
Refs: 1, 7 belly. Orbital ring black. capable of flight
(bna.708) ~38 d.
Common Toes very large Hatch: 75.8 Down: fully covered, Just hatched: conical Chicks emit short peep Nest in colonies on
Murre (Uria relative to body, medium gray, pale below; wedge shape, tapers calls 1st wk. increasing cliff ledges along
aalge) dark gray. Able to Adult: 991 replaced with contour to point, blue‐gray. in length and cold coastlines of
stand day after feathers at 6 d. d 14: dark Mouth pale pink frequency by 2nd wk. Northern
Ref: 7 (bna.666) hatch. gray mask, contrasting beige to purplish. Hemisphere. Leave
white throat and cheeks. nest before flighted:
23–24 d. Iris: dark.
GULLS, TERNS, AND RELATIVES (Laridae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement and palmate. Semi‐precocial young.
Herring Gull Pink at first; turn Hatch: 60–75 Down: completely covers, Just hatched: wedge Begging call: soft peeps Eyes: open at
(Larus buffy brown with thick and long, pale gray shaped, black or at first, becomes a hatch, iris is dark.
argentatus) pinkish‐gray Adult: F: 1023, background with dark horn‐colored. Tip more high‐pitched Leaves nest shortly
webbing between M:1147 blotches on dorsal surfaces 1/3 pink buff with intense peep. “Shrill after hatch.
Refs: 1, 7, 9 (bna. toes. and thighs. Spots on head pinkish base. waver” call when
and throat fine, gray‐black. Pinkish egg tooth
being chased or
hergul.03) Underparts are paler. lasts 2–3 days. caught.
Common Tern Pink at first, turning Hatch: 15 Down: thick, completely Beak: pink with Peep softly when Eyes: open at hatch
(Sterna hirundo) more orange by covered. Cinnamon brown black tip. Lower may begging (pecking bill with dark brown
14 d. Adult: 120 to gray brown on back, turn orangish by of parent), becomes iris. Able to stand
Ref: 7 (bna. wings, and sides. Dorsum 14 d. squeaky cheeping and walk.
comter.03) lined with indistinct black 3–6 d, and > 6 d, a
spots or streaks. Throat, kri‐kri‐kri‐kri‐kri.
sides of neck and lores When distressed or
brown‐black. White alone, emit a zeee.
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