Page 49 - Hand rearing birds second
P. 49
Development and
Species Feet (Tarsus/toes) Weight (g) Integument Beak / Mouth Vocalizations Other
RAILS (Rallidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement; some (e.g. coots) are semilobate, others not. Precocial young.
Virginia Rail Fuscous (or dusky Hatch: 5–5.8 Down: glossy black, bare Bill: pale pink, dark Young chicks pee‐eep, Fed by parents 1st
(Rallus limicola) brown), adult size on crown. Wings have band around center, then calls (1–2 3–7 d or up to 21 d.
3–4 wk. Adult: 84.1 claws. Able to walk almost widens as chick syllables) become Leave nest: 3–4 d
post‐hatch, may
immediately, swim same
more intense when
Refs: 1, 7, 9 day as hatch. separated from family return for a few
(bna.173) members. days.
American Coot Very large, Hatch: 19–22 Down: thick, black. Tips of Bill: orange‐red to 4 call types of captive Quickly mobile but
(Fulica greenish‐gray or down “stiff, curly, and blood‐red at base, raised chicks: twitter, fed by adults at
americana) blackish‐gray, and Adult: F: 560, hair‐like,” long and orange with black tip and wit‐ou, squawk, and first. Somewhat
lobed on each toe M: 724 on dorsum and wings, white egg tooth. By yeow. self‐feeding by 8 d,
Refs: 1, 7 joint. short and yellow on 15 d bill bright seldom fed after 28
(bna.697a) ventrum. Ruff of “wirelike” orange‐red. d. Joint (pollex) on
down encircles neck. wing that bears the
Crown is scarlet with little alula has 1 mm
down. Skin above eyes claw. Fly at 75 d.
blue. By 15 d, colored body
plumes are gone. Full adult
plumage 50–60 d.
CRANES (Gruidae): Anisodactyl toe arrangement. Precocial young.
Sandhill Crane Long legs, yellowish Hatch: 114.2 Down: thick, fully covered Narrow, beige‐pink, 3 calls: pipping, (trills Eyes: dark umber
(Antigone or pinkish. Short (including crown), rusty darkening toward and peeps), contact or gray.
canadensis) hallux higher than Adult: 2982–5797 brown color, grayish‐white tip. (high‐pitched yelp), A few hours after
plane of other toes. (subspecies vary) underparts. Dark mark in and stress (slurred hatch able to sit on
Refs: 1, 7 front of eye. Dark brown notes that are loud and hocks and stand
on upper back (diamond‐
(bna.31) shaped) and on rump. (weakly). Leaves
nest and begins
feeding next day.
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