Page 627 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 627

592 SECTION | VIII Rodenticides  did not. Brodifacoum, diphacinone, and chlorophacinone  halogenated biphenyl side chain has been suggested as a
             were detected at concentrations ranging from trace
             amounts to 1120 parts per billion, but were not correlated
                                                                (Townsend et al., 1995).
             with any recorded parameter. Dogs with toxicosis had a  Insects: Diphacinone ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 and from
             survival rate of 98.7%. The most common diagnoses in  1.3 to 4.0 ppm has been detected in snails and slugs,
             48 dogs without detectable anticoagulant rodenticides  respectively, in Hawaii (Primus et al., 2006). The mean
             were neoplasia (15), immune-mediated disease (7), and  brodifacoum concentration in cockroaches immediately
             gastrointestinal bleeding (5) (Waddell et al., 2013).  after bait exposure of 2626 131 μg/kg wet weight decreased
                Prevalence of nontarget animal exposures has also  quickly in the following 2 weeks, and then continued at a
             been reported in the Netherlands, Spain, France, and  slower rate over the following 4 weeks. Woodlice recorded
             Mongolia. Dogs suspected of anticoagulant rodenticide  a similar brodifacoum concentration and a similar time
             poisoning in the Netherlands had brodifacoum (19), bro-  course for the postexposure decline. Diphacinone has been
             madiolone (14), difenacoum (8), difethialone (6), and  detected in snails after broadcast, (Johnston et al., 2005)and
             chlorophacinone (1) (Robben et al., 1997). Assessment  a concentration of 0.39 μg/g has been reported from a pool
             of potential toxicity of pindone for domestic animals has  of carrion beetles (Dermestes spp.) in a nonbaited farm area.
             also been made (Martin et al., 1991). Anticoagulant  Birds: A number of experimental and field studies of
             rodenticides were detected in the liver of 401 wild and  bird exposures to anticoagulant rodenticides have been
             domestic animals found dead in Spain, including two  reported.
             species of reptiles (n 5 2), 42 species of birds (n 5 271),  Experimental: Owls, kestrels, and stone martens have
             and 18 species of mammals (n 5 128) (Sa ´nchez-Barbudo  been experimentally exposed.
             et al., 2012). Hernandez-Moreno et al. (2013) reported  Eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio) fed 10 μg
             the deaths of three birds in an ornithological zoo in  diphacinone/g wet weight food for 7 days were monitored
             Galicia (NW Spain) by difenacoum and brodifacoum. A  for 21-day postexposure. Liver and kidney diphacinone
             retrospective analysis of French human and animal poi-  elimination was initially rapid, then followed by slower
             son control center data from 2004 to 2007 reported no  loss rate, with overall half-lives of 11.7 and 2.1 days,
             mortality in humans, and less than 1% mortality in  respectively (Rattner et al., 2014; Rattner et al., 2012).
             domestic animals. Dogs represented 60% of domestic  The acute oral toxicity of diphacinone was found to be
             species, while hares and rabbits represented 50% of  more than 20 times greater in American kestrels (Falco
             wildlife cases, followed by predators and scavengers. In  sparverius) with a median lethal dose of 96.8 mg/kg
             wildlife, bromadiolone and chlorophacinone were most  body weight compared to Northern bobwhite (Colinus
             frequently observed (Berny et al., 2010 a,b). In 2002,  virginianus)  and  mallards  (Anas  platyrhynchos).
             hundreds of nontarget wildlife deaths reportedly occurred  Chlorophacinone has also been studied in captive kestrels
             in Mongolia following aerial applications of bromadio-  (Radvanyi et al., 1988), and bromadiolone-poisoned mice
             lone to control eruptive Brandt’s vole (Microtus brandti)  in stone martens (Martes foina)(Lund and Rasmussen,
             populations.                                       1986). Diphacinone, dicoumarol, and pival have all been
                Environmental Approximately 700 kg of cereal bait  shown to increase the PT in chicks (Charles et al., 1966),
             containing 20 ppm of the anticoagulant rodenticide  and a 100% mortality occurred in 1-week-old chicks fed
             brodifacoum was spilled into a southern New Zealand  coumestral in wood-straw mats (Munger et al., 1993). A
             lake in 2010 from a helicopter being used to transport  “no observed effect” concentration of chlorophacinone of
             containers of brodifacoum bait for an aerial baiting  1 mg chlorophacinone/kg feed is reported for Japanese
             operation. In the month after the spill, no residual  quail (Coturnix japonica)(Riedel et al., 1990).
             brodifacoum was detected in samples of lake water,   Six owls fed difenacoum-intoxicated mice survived
             sediment, benthic invertebrates, eels, and two birds  and coagulation times returned to normal in 5 23 days;
             (Fisher et al., 2012).                             however, four of six owls fed brodifacoum-intoxicated
                Anticoagulant rodenticides may be detected in water,  mice died 6 17 days after feeding. Dead owls had
             soil, and invertebrates. A method of detecting warfarin in  630 1250 ng/g brodifacoum in their livers (Newton
             water has recently been reported (Badia and Diaz-Garcia,  et al., 1990).
             1999), perhaps since anticoagulant rodenticides are used  Field: Numerous studies of birds exposed to anticoag-
             in rice paddies (Baskaran et al., 1995), and accidental dis-  ulant rodenticides in the field have been reported. These
             charges of brodifacoum bait may occur in fresh water or  studies are summarized here, transitioning from those
             marine environments (Primus et al., 2005). The toxicity  birds that primarily ingest grain to birds of prey to present
             of anticoagulant rodenticides in soil may be related to the  the author’s inferences of the potential routes of exposure
             portion not bound to humic acid. Testing for the   to the anticoagulant rodenticide bait.
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