Page 623 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 623

588 SECTION | VIII Rodenticides  Anticoagulant rodenticides produce some biochemical  Pathway II mediates the therapeutic effect of vitamin K 1
                                                                and resulting carboxylation in vitro (Wallin, 1986).
             effect by interfering with the enzyme vitamin K 1 epoxide
                                                                  Vitamin K and vitamin K 1 epoxide can be measured
             reductase, resulting in the depletion of vitamin K 1
             and, subsequently, impairing the synthesis of gamma-  in serum (Bjornsson et al., 1979; Donnahey et al., 1979)
             carboxylated clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X (Craciun  and tissue. A number of vitamin K detection methods
             et al., 1997, 1998). Clinical coagulopathy soon follows  have been reported (Haroon et al., 1987; Haroon and
             the depletion of vitamin K 1 . Since these clotting factors  Hauschka, 1983; Haroon et al., 1980; Haroon et al., 1986,
             have finite plasma half-lives of, e.g., 41, 6.2, 13.9, and  Hart et al., 1984; Williams et al., 1972), including detec-
             16.5 h in the dog, respectively, a lag time of 3 5days  tion in human plasma (Langenberg and Tjaden, 1984) and
             is commonly observed between ingestion of bait and  serum (Lefevere et al., 1979) using HPLC with electro-
             the onset of clinical signs (Jackson and Suttie, 1977;  chemical detection (Takani and Suttie, 1983), or fluori-
             Suttie, 1986; Murphy and Gerken, 1989). The interrela-  metric detection in liver (Usui et al., 1989). The mode of
             tionship of vitamin K, prothrombin, and gamma-     action of vitamin K has been reviewed (Olson, 1966).
             carboxyglutamic acid are reviewed in Stenflo (1978).  Because  anticoagulant  rodenticides  inhibit  the
             The interaction of warfarin and vitamin K reviewed in  vitamin K 1 reductase reaction (Pelz et al., 2005) vita-
             Suttie (1990).                                     min K 1 epoxide is elevated and vitamin K 1 is reduced.
                Microsomal vitamin K dependent carboxylase, vita-  For example, diphenadione- (Mount and Kass, 1989)
             min K epoxidase, vitamin K 1 epoxide reductase, and  and warfarin-exposed dogs (Carlisle and Blaschke,
             cytosolic vitamin K reductase (DT-diaphorase) are  1981) have elevated vitamin K 1 epoxide after SC vita-
             involved in vitamin K reduction (Hildebrandt and Suttie,  min K 1 administration.
             1982). The physiologically important site of action of  Also,  vitamin  K 1  concentrations  are  low-to-
             the anticoagulant rodenticides has been reported to be  nondetectable in rats 24 h after exposure to difenacoum
             vitamin K 1 epoxide reductase (Hildebrandt and Suttie,  (Winn et al., 1987). Measurement of the epoxide in serum
             1982). Anticoagulant rodenticides act by inhibiting  has been proposed as a method to detect surreptitious
             vitamin K 1 -2,3 epoxide reductase and, consequently,  exposure (Bechtold et al., 1983; Bechtold and Jahnchen,
             the synthesis of clotting factors II, VII, IX and X.  1979). The disposition of vitamin K in anticoagulant
             S-warfarin and difenacoum are more potent in complete  rodenticide poisoning was examined some years ago
             inhibition of clotting factor synthesis than racemic  (Park et al., 1984).
             warfarin, R-warfarin, or brodifacoum (Breckenridge   Other mechanism of action: The anticoagulant rodenti-
             et al., 1985).                                     cides and oral anticoagulants are also of interest in cancer
                The greater potency and duration of action of the  research. In part, because catalyzing obligatory two-
             long-acting or “superwarfarins” has been attributed to (1)  electron reductions of quinones to hydroquinones, NAD
             a greater affinity for vitamin K 1 -2,3-epoxide reductase,  (P)H: quinone reductase (QR1) protects cells against the
             (2) ability to inhibit the vitamin K 1 epoxide cycle at more  deleterious effects of redox cycling of quinones and their
             than one point, (3) hepatic accumulation, and (4) unusu-  ability to deplete glutathione and produce neoplasia
             ally long half-lives due to lipid solubility, enterohepatic  (Dinkova and Talalay, 2000). DT-diaphorase and coen-
             circulation, or both (Watt et al., 2005). The two diastereo-  zyme Q appear to have both antioxidant and prooxidant
             mers of brodifacoum may have different conformational  functions in quinone metabolism (Cadenas, 1995; Beyer,
             alignment with vitamin K epoxide reductase (Cort and  1994), and have recently been investigated as modulators
             Cho, 2009).                                        of inflammation.
                As it turns out, rat liver has two pathways for vitamin
             K reduction. One is responsible for the therapeutic effect
             of vitamin K 1 therapy. This pathway is DT-diaphorase  Metabolism
             (EC. and a microsomal dehydrogenase that has  Warfarin is metabolized by CYP 2C9 and 2C19 in
             3.6 fold higher activity with NADH than with NADPH. It  humans (Brandon et al., 2005; Goldstein, 2001). The CYP
             is not a cytochrome P-450 or cytochrome-b5 reductase  2C9 enzyme has several inherited polymorphisms
             (Wallin, 1986). Although dicoumarol, warfarin, and  (Kirchheiner and Brockmoller, 2005). Chlorophacinone
             diphenadione inhibit NADPH in rat liver in vitro, only  elimination may be enhanced by phenobarbital adminis-
             dicoumarol inhibited the enzyme in rats dosed in vivo  tration (Burocoa et al., 1989; Lagrange et al., 1999), per-
             (Schor et al., 1983).                              haps due to CYP induction. The effect of phenobarbitone
                Pathway I is inactive in warfarin- and difenacoum-  on vitamin K 1 metabolism (Wilson and Park, 1984) can
             intoxicated rats. Vitamin K 1 epoxide reductase was  be compared to that of the rabbit (Winn et al., 1988)
             also inactive, so this may be part of Pathway I in vivo.  (Fig. 46.1).
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