Page 423 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 423
A Atrophic nonunion, of wing fractures, 104, 112–114f
Abdomen Avascular nonunion, of wing fractures, 104, 112–114f
of guinea pig, 240–241, 244f Avulsion, traumatic, of wing, 124, 132f
of hedgehog, diseases of, 282, 288–290f
of rabbit, 297 B
tumors of, 303, 309–312f Barium, in digestive tract assessment, 224, 233–234f, 235f
of rat Bastard wing, 44, 49f
disease of, 266, 270, 271–272f BB gun wounds, 133
tumors in, 270, 272–274f Beak, 183, 184–188f
Abscess(es) Bears, 360, 361–363f
gastric, in guinea pig, 248, 248f Birds, 11–236
internal, in ferrets, 326, 327–328f beak of, 183, 184–188f
lung, in rabbit, 303, 307–308f bowel of, 224, 231–232f
Acreage pets, 346–359 brain of, 189
Adrenal disease, in ferrets, 326, 329f cage, 40–43
Age, of bird, cervical spinal region changes related to, 201, medium, radiography of, 1, 4–5f
203, 206–207f practice with, 40–41
Air gun pellet wounds, 133, 134–136f small, radiography of
Air sacs, of bird, 216, 220, 221–222f limited imaging options for, 1, 2–3f
Aircraft nonrestraint for, 40
rudders of, 44, 52f restraint for, 40
tails of, 44, 52f size and, 41
wings of carina of, 216, 218f
control surfaces of, 44, 47f, 48f cervical spinal region of, 201, 203, 206–208f
design of, aerodynamics and, 44, 45f cranium of, 189, 198–199f
Airfoil, wing as, 44 crop of, 201, 203f
Alpacas, 346–353, 354–356f identifi cation of, 224, 227–230f
diseases of, 346, 349–352f, 353, 354–356f eggs of, 234
GI impaction/foreign body in, 353, 356f esophagus of, 201, 204–205f, 224, 234f
nasolacrimal duct obstruction in, 353, 355f facial region of, 189, 193–198f
radiography of, 346, 348–349f feet of, 167, 176–177f
Alular digit, 44, 49f injuries to, 177, 181, 181f, 182f
Amputations, traumatic, of wing, 124, 130–131f in propulsion on and beneath water surface, 177,
Anesthesia, gas, for radiography 180–181f, 181, 182f
of hedgehog, 282, 285f in takeoff and landing, 177, 179–180f
of rat, interpretive problems related to, 266, 269f head of, 183–200
Angle of attack of wing, 44 anatomy of, 183–200
Armadillos, anatomy of, radiographic, 334–335, 337–339f heart of, 220, 223, 223f
Arthritis-osteomyelitis, septic, in pot-bellied pigs, 353, hips of, anatomy of, 153, 159–160f
358–359f jaws of, 183, 189
Articular fractures, of wing, 87, 88f kidneys of, 224, 236f
Atelectasis, postural, in rat, 266, 269f larynx of, 201
leg of, 161–182. See also Leg, bird.
liver of, 223, 224f, 225–226f
Page numbers followed by “f” indicate fi gures. neck of, 201, 202–205f
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