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III  Index  425

                    Gastrointestinal tract (Continued)                   Hawk(s)
                        foreign bodies in, 391, 393–395f                   carpometacarpus of, lateral radiography of, 77f
                        impaction of, 391, 392f                            characteristics of, 30
                      of llama, impaction/foreign body in, 353, 356f       coracoid fracture in, delayed union of, 101f
                      of turtle, obstruction of, 403, 407–410f             dislocated elbow in, 125f
                    Genual joint, of bird leg, injuries to, 161, 166f, 167, 167f, 168f  femoral fracture in, 164–165f
                    Geometric distortion, in dental fi lming in ferrets, 326  foot of, 178f
                    Goats, miniature, 353, 356–357f                          traumatic amputation of nail of, 181f
                    Goose (geese)                                          Harrier, auscultation of, before CT scan, 81f
                      Canadian. See Canadian goose (geese).                head of, 195f
                      landing mechanisms of, 53–54f                        humeral fracture in, radiograph of, 8f
                      snow, genual joint dislocation in, 167f              humeral joint of, leading edge view of, 73f
                    Gophers, 275, 281f                                     open humeral fracture in, 145f
                    Gout in turtles, 403, 412–413f                         perching in, 167
                    Grackle(s)                                             posttraumatic osteoarthritis in wing of, 149f
                      characteristics of, 25                               radiograph of, leading edge/hanging drop projection,
                      in profi le, 30f                                         22f
                    Grebe(s)                                               rough-legged
                      cervical spine dislocation in, 207–208f                handling of, 13f
                      characteristics of, 30                                 lower leg and foot of, 176f
                      head of, 198f                                        sharp-shinned
                    Guinea pigs, 237–258                                     lateral, wings-up view of, 71f
                      abdomen of, 240–241, 244f                              ventrodorsal, spread-wing view of, 70f
                      anatomy of, radiographic, normal, 240–241, 240f, 241f,   shoulder of
                          242–245f                                           dislocation in, 129f
                      bladder stones in, 249, 250f                           shattered, lateral, wings-up view of, 72f
                      cecal enlargement/impaction in, 248–249, 249f        Swainson’s
                      diseases of, 241, 246–248f, 248–258                    nonunion humeral fractures in, 98–99f
                      fractures in, 249                                      posttraumatic osteoarthritis in wing of, 151f
                      infections of, 252, 258f                               wings outspread, 32f
                      injuries to, 241, 245f                               ulnar destruction in, from infection, 146–147f
                      limbs of, 241, 245f                                  ulnar fracture in
                      osteoarthritis in, 252, 253–258f                       before and after bandage fi xation, 97f
                      radiography of, 237, 238–239f                          malunion of, 107–108f
                      skull of, 240, 240f, 241f                            wing(s) of
                      sonography of, 237, 239f                               aerodynamics and, 46f
                      sprains in, 249, 252                                   fracture in, intramedullary pin placement for,
                      strains in, 249, 252                                      96f
                      thorax of, 240, 242–243f                               ventrodorsal radiograph of, 75–76f
                      trauma to, soft tissue, 249                          young, head of, 200f
                      urethral calculi in, 249, 251f                     Head. See also Skull.
                    Gull(s)                                                of lizard, 387, 388f
                      characteristics of, 30, 32                         Healing of wing fractures, 93–104
                      immature, with humeral joint injury from thrown rock,   delayed, 94, 100–101f
                          140f                                             malunion, 104, 106–108f
                      walking on shore, 35f                                nonrestorative, 104, 106–108f
                      wings of                                             radiographic features of, 93–94, 96–101f
                        aerodynamics and, 46f                              resembling infection, 104, 105f
                        control surfaces of, 48f                           time of
                    Gun barrel sign, 161, 163f                               factors determining, 93
                    Gunshot fractures of wing, 90, 91f                       predicted, calculation of, 94, 102–104
                    Gunshot wounds                                       Heart disease
                      air gun pellet, 133, 134–136f                        in ferret, 319, 324–326f
                      BB gun, 133                                          in monkey, 341, 345f
                      debris in, 137, 141f                               Hedgehogs, 282–290
                      high-velocity, 133, 137–139f                         abdominal disease in, 282, 288–290f
                      low-velocity, 133                                    anatomy of, radiographic, 282, 286–287f
                      shotgun, 133                                         radiography of, 282, 284–285f
                                                                         Hemorrhage, lung, in bird, 220, 220f
                    H                                                    Heron(s)
                    Hairballs in rabbit, 303, 310, 313f                    characteristics of, 30
                    Hamsters, 259–265                                      great blue
                      anatomy of, radiographic, 259                          central visceral pedicle in, 224f
                      radiography of, 259, 260–264f                          humeral fracture in, compound, 90f
                    Hanging drop view                                        wing of
                      of humeral joint in skeletally mature wing, 68, 72, 73f  aerodynamics and, 47f
                      positioning for, 13, 22f                                bones of, ventrodorsal projection of, 74f

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