Page 430 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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428 Index III
Lizards (Continued) Merlin (Continued)
fractures in, 391–392f tibiotarsal fracture in, 174f
injuries to, 387, 389–391f wound debris in, 141f
intestinal impaction in, 391, 392f Metacarpophalangeal joint, air gun pellet in, 136f
nutritionally-induced osteopenia in, 387, 391 Metacarpus, of bird wing, 63–64f, 64
radiography of, 377, 380–383f fracture(s) of, 92
rectal prolapse in, 395, 396–399f multiple, 91f
Llamas, 346–353, 354–356f traumatic amputation of, 129–131f
GI impaction/foreign body in, 353, 356f Mexican black king snake, 369–370f, 374f
limb curvature and deformity in, 346, 349 Miniature goats, 353, 356–357f
nasolacrimal duct obstruction in, 353 Miniature horses, 353, 356f
radiography of, 346 Missile-related fractures, 137, 140f. See also Gunshot
Loon(s) wounds.
characteristics of, 30 Monkeys, 340–345
lungs of, 219f anatomy of, radiographic, 340, 341–343f
shoulder region of, ventrodorsal view of, 78f diseases of, 340–341, 345f
spotted, swimming, 33f injuries to, 340
Lovebird(s) Multiple fractures of wing, 90, 91f
cleaning owner’s teeth, 42f Muscle(s), of wing
fragility of, 40 atrophy of, posttraumatic, 121
Lung(s) injury to, 85
of bird, 216, 219f, 220, 220f, 221f
hemorrhage in, 220, 220f N
infection in, 220, 221f Nancy view of alpaca with rickets, 350f
of rabbits Nasal cavities of bird, 189, 191–192f
abscesses of, 303, 307–308f Neck
tumors of, 303, 307–308f of bird, 201, 202–205f
of lizard, 387, 388f
M Nerve in wing, injury to, 85–86
Magpie(s) Nonrestorative bone healing, 104, 106–108f
characteristics of, 25 Nonunion fracture of wing, 104, 108–114f
in profi le, 26f Northern oriole(s)
Mallard ducks characteristics of, 30
beak of, 188f in fl ight, 31f
swimming, 29f Notarium, 153
Malunion fracture, of wing, 104, 106–108f Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
Mammals, 237–365 in bird, tibiotarsal fractures from, 167, 169–170f
alpacas as, 346–353, 354–356f in lizard, 387, 391
armadillos as, 334–335, 337–339f
bears as, 360, 361–363f O
bison as, 360, 363–365f Oriole(s), Northern, characteristics of, 30
chinchillas as, 275, 276–280f. See also Chinchillas. Osteoarthritis
degus as, 275, 280f in guinea pigs
ferrets as, 319–333. See also Ferrets. nontraumatic, 252, 255–258f
gophers as, 275, 281f traumatic, 252, 253–254f
guinea pigs as, 237–258. See also Guinea pigs. posttraumatic, in wing, 148, 149–152f
hamsters as, 259–265 in rabbits, 297, 302f
hedgehogs as, 282–290. See also Hedgehogs. Osteomyelitis
llamas as, 346–353, 354f in alpacas and llamas, 349, 352f, 353, 354f
miniature goats as, 353, 356–357f in facial and jaw bones of lizard, 395, 400–402f
miniature horses as, 353, 356f of genual joint in bird, 167, 168f
monkeys as, 340–345. See also Monkeys. Osteopenia, nutritionally-induced,n lizard, 387, 391
pot-bellied pigs as, 353, 358–359f Osteoporosis, posttraumatic, 104, 105f
rabbits as, 291–318. See also Rabbits. Ovaries of bird, 234
raccoons as, 334, 337f Owl(s)
rats as, 266–274. See also Rats. Boreal, cubital joint of, ventrodorsal view of, 74f
skunks as, 334, 336f burrowing
squirrels as, 334, 335f legs of, 162f
Mandible in bird, 189 radiograph of
Mass effect in rabbit abdomen, 303 right lateral, 17f
Maxilla in bird, 189 ventrodorsal, 8f
Mediastinal disease in rats, 266, 270f characteristics of, 30
Mediastinal shift in postural atelectasis in rat, 266 eye of, 193f
Merlin fracture-dislocation of wing in, 126f
air gun pellet in metacarpophalangeal joint of, 136f great gray
central spinal region fracture-dislocation in, 156–157f shattered shoulder of, healing of, 103f
crop of, 227–228f ventriculus of, full, 229f
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