Page 434 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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432 Index III
Ventrodorsal (VD) radiograph (Continued) Ventrodorsal (VD) radiograph (Continued)
of hawk wing, 75–76f of torso, 214f, 217f
of hawk with humoral fracture, 8f of bird, with lung hemorrhage, 220f
of head of bird after barium administration, 234f
of bird, 191f of traumatic amputations, 129–131f
of eagle, 194f of traumatic osteoarthritis in guinea pig, 253–254f
of healed radial fracture resembling infection, 105f of ulnar fracture with callus formation, 95f
of heron wing bones, 74f of urethral calculi in guinea pig, 251f
of high-velocity bullet wound of vascular pedicle in bird, 222f
to carpal region, 139f of ventriculus, full, 229f
to humeral joint, 137–138f of visceral montage, 213f
of hooded dragon with intestinal impaction, 393f of wound debris, 141f
of hypertrophic nonunion Visceral silhouette, central, in bird, analysis of, 216,
of radial fracture, 108–111f 217–218f
of ulnar fracture, 109–111f Vitamin D defi ciency, in monkeys, 341, 344–345f
of iguana, with osteomyelitis of facial and jaw bones,
402f W
of liver in bird Waxwing(s)
enlarged, 225f characteristics of, 35
shrunken, 226f feeding, 38f
of malunion of ulnar fracture, 107–108f perched, 37f
of missile-related injuries to humeral joint, 140f Whooping crane, dead, neck of, 202f
of monkey Wing(s), 44–152
with cardiomyopathy, 345f anatomy of
with hypervitaminosis D, 344–345f computed tomographic, 80–84
of multiple ulnar and metacarpal fractures, 91f gross, normal, 57–64
of neck radiographic, 65–79
of owl, 203f normal variations in, 75, 78–79f, 79
of whooping crane, 202f bastard, 44, 49f
of nontraumatic osteoarthritis in guinea pig, 257–258f carpus of, 63–64f, 64
of nonunion humeral fracture, 98–99f control surfaces of, 44, 47–51f
of owl wing with pellet, 6f, 7f cubital joint of, 57, 61–62f
of pneumonia in bird, 221 cupping of, 53, 53f, 54f
of posttraumatic osteoarthritis of wing, 149–150f, 152f design of, aerodynamics and, 44, 46–47f
of rabbit, 293f digits of, 63–64f, 64
with pelvic fractures, 301f feathers of, broken or missing
of rats, interpretive problems with, 266 fl ight and, 44–56
of shattered shoulder of owl, healing, 103f fractures of
of shoulders, 68, 71f articular, 87, 88f
of African Gray parrot, 79f comminuted, 87, 89f
of partridge, 79f compound, 90, 90f
of water birds, 78f gunshot, 90, 91f
of skeletally immature wing, 66f, 67f healing of, 93–104. See also Healing of wing
of skeletally mature wing, 68, 70f fractures.
of skull malunion, 104, 106–108f
of guinea pig, 240, 241f multiple, 90, 91f
of rabbit, 294f nonunion, 104, 108–114f
with middle ear infection, 303, 305–306f in shoulder, 90, 92
of spinal region, of iguana with fracture deformity, 391f simple, 87, 88f
of stomach humeral joint of, 57, 58–59f
of bird humerus of, 57, 61f
full, 230f infections of, 142–147. See also Infections, of wing.
impacted, 233f injuries to
lead fragment in, 231–232f to blood vessels, 85–86
of guinea pig, bloated, 246–247f to bone, 85
of surgical infection in wing, 144f fl ight potential after, 85
of thorax gunshot, 133–141. See also Gunshot wounds.
of ferret to joint, 85
with cardiomegaly, 325f to ligament, 85
with chest injuries, 322f to muscle, 85
of guinea pig, 242f, 243f to nerve, 85–86
of rabbit, 298–299f overview of, 85–86
with lung abscess, 303, 307–308f soft tissue, 121, 122–123f
with severe chest injuries, 303, 304f to tendon, 85
with uterine carcinoma, 303, 309f joints of
of throat and neck of parrot, 202f incongruity of, posttraumatic osteoarthritis and, 148,
of tibiotarsal fracture in bird from soft tissue sarcoma, 172f 149–152f
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