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430  Index  III

                    Raccoons, 334, 337f                                  Sarcoma, soft tissue, tibiotarsal fractures of bird from,
                    Radiocarpal joints                                       172–173f, 175f
                      of skeletally immature wing, 68, 70f               Scapula of bird, fractures of, 92
                      of skeletally mature wing, 75                      Seagull walking on shore, 35f
                    Radiography                                          Septic arthritis-osteomyelitis in pot-bellied pigs, 353,
                      of alpacas, 346, 348–349f                              358–359f
                      of bear, 360, 361–362f                             Septum, horizontal, of bird, 209
                      of birds, 1–24. See also Birds, radiography/radiographic   Shorebirds, feet of, 177
                          diagnosis of.                                  Shotgun wounds, 133
                      of bison, 363–365f                                 Shoulder girdle, 57. See also Humeral joint.
                      of caimans, 414, 415f                              Silhouette signs in lung abscesses in rabbit, 303
                      of chinchillas, 275, 276f                          Simple fractures of wing, 87, 88f
                      of ferrets, 319, 320f                              Sinuses, paranasal, of birds, 189, 195–198f
                      of guinea pigs, 237, 238–239f                      Skink, 379f
                      of hamsters, 259, 260–264f                         Skull
                      of hedgehogs, 282, 284–285f                          of guinea pig, 240, 240f, 241f
                      of lizards, 377, 380–383f                            of rabbit, 291, 294–295f
                      of llamas, 346                                       of squirrel, 334, 335f
                      of rabbits, 291, 292–293f                          Skunks, anatomy of, radiographic, 334, 336f
                      of snakes, 367, 369–370f, 370, 371f                Slats in aircraft wing, 44
                      of wings, 65–79. See also Wing(s), radiography of.  Smoldering infections, 142
                    Radius of bird wing, 57, 62f                         Snakes, 367–376
                      fracture of, 92                                      anatomy of, radiographic, 370, 371f
                        displaced, 104, 115–120f                           cardiac blood sampling in, 370, 376f
                        healing of, callus in, resembling infection, 105f  congenital anomaly of, 370, 373f
                        hypertrophic nonunion of, 109–111f                 injuries to, 370, 374–375f
                      skeletally immature, 68                              two-headed, 370, 373f
                      skeletally mature, 72, 75, 75f, 76f                Snow goose, genual joint dislocation in, 167f
                    Raptors. See also Eagle(s); Hawk(s).                 Soft tissue injuries
                      eye of, 189, 193f                                    in guinea pigs, 249
                      talons of, 167, 177, 178f                            to wing, 121, 122–123f
                      tongue of, 183, 189f                               Sonography
                    Rats, 266–274                                          of ferret
                      abdominal disease in, 266, 270, 271–272f               with adrenal gland enlargement, 329f
                      abdominal tumors in, 270, 272–274f                     with cardiomyopathy, 326f
                      cardiopulmonary disease in, 266, 267–269f              with internal abscess, 329f
                      injuries to, 266                                     of guinea pigs, 237, 239f
                      mediastinal disease in, 266, 270f                    of hedgehog with infected uterus, 290f
                      thoracic disease in, 266–274                       Sparrow(s)
                    Raven                                                  beak of, 183, 186f
                      emphysematous clavicular air sacs in, 222f           characteristics of, 35
                      pneumonia in, 221f                                   gathering nesting materials and “fi ghting,” 36f
                    Rectal prolapse in lizards, 395, 396–399f            Spine
                    Reproduction in turtles, 403, 410–411f                 of bird
                    Reptiles, 367–419                                        anatomy of, 153, 154–156f
                      caimans as, 414–419                                    cervical, 201, 203, 206–208f
                      lizards as, 377–402. See also Lizards.                 fractures of, 153, 156–157f
                      snakes as, 367–376. See also Snakes.                   trauma to, 234
                      turtles as, 403–413. See also Turtles.               of ferret, fracture of, 326, 333f
                    Restraint for radiography                            Spleen of bird, 223
                      of hamster, 259, 260f–261                          Sprains
                      of hedgehogs, 282, 284–285f                          with fracture-dislocations, 124
                      of rabbit, 291, 292f                                 of genual joint of bird leg, 167, 167f
                      of small cage bird, 40                               in guinea pigs, 249, 252
                      of wing, 65                                          of wing, 121, 123f
                    Reticuloperitonitis, in bison, 360                   Squirrels
                    Richardson’s ground squirrel, 281f                     anatomy of, radiographic, 334, 335f
                    Rickets in alpacas, 349, 350f                          ground, Richardson’s, 281f
                    Robin(s)                                             Stomach
                      after hitting window, 199f                           of bird, 224, 226f, 229–233f
                      characteristics of, 35                               of guinea pig
                      fracture-dislocation of wing in, 127–128               abscess of, 248, 248f
                      immature, perching in wind, 38f                        bloated, 241, 246–248f, 248
                    Rudder of aircraft, 44, 52f                          Stones, bladder, in guinea pig, 249, 250f
                    S                                                      in guinea pigs, 249, 252
                    Saccular emphysema in bird, 220, 222f                  of wing, 121
                    Sandshoes for shorebirds, 177                        Surgical infections of wing, 142, 143–144f

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