Page 433 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 433
III Index 431
Synsacrum, 153, 156f Turtles (Continued)
Syrinx of bird, 216, 218f radiography of, 403, 404f
Systemic infections of wing, 142 reproduction in, 403, 410–411f
Tail fi n of aircraft, 44, 52f Ulna of bird wing, 57, 62–63f
Tails destruction of, from infection, 146–147f
of armadillo, diseases of, 335, 339f fracture of, 92
of birds, arching of, for directional stability, 44, 53, 53f before and after bandage fi xation, 97f
of water fowl, dropping of, for landing, 53–54f displaced, 104, 115–120f
Talons, 167, 177, 178f healed as malunion, 106f
Tendon(s) of wing healing, with callus formation, 95f
injury to, 85 healing of, callus in, resembling infection, 105f
loss of elasticity of, 121 hypertrophic nonunion of, 109–111f
Tern, hovering of, 55f malunion of, 107–108f
Testes of bird, 234 multiple displaced, 91f
Thoracic spine of bird, 209 skeletally immature, 68
Thorax fracture of, 67f
of armadillo, 334, 337f skeletally mature, 72, 75, 75f, 76f
of guinea pig, 240, 242–243f Ulnar carpal joints of skeletally mature wing, 75
of rabbit, 296–297, 298–299f Ultrasound. See Sonography.
of rat, disease of, 266–274 Urethra, of guinea pig, calculi in, 249, 251f
of skunk, 334, 336f Uromastyx, 382–383f
Thrust, wing and, 44 radiography of, 384–385f
Tibial fracture in bird from fall after gunshot, 91f
Tibiotarsal fractures in bird, 167, 169–175f V
Tongue of bird, 183, 188–191f, 201 Vascular pedicle of bird, 220
Torso VD radiograph. See Ventrodorsal (VD) radiograph.
of bird, 209–236 Ventriculus of owl, full, 229f
anatomical-radiological correlation of, 209, 213f Ventrodorsal (VD) radiograph
anatomy of, 209, 210–212f of abdomen
exterior, 209, 214–216f, 216 of guinea pig, 244f
interior, 216, 217–218f of rabbit
of lizard, radiographic anatomy of, 377, 386, 387, 387f with bladder stones, 316–317f
Trachea of bird, 201, 202f with gastric dilation, 315f
terminal, 216, 218f with hairballs, 313–314f
Trauma with uterine carcinoma, 303, 309f, 311–312
to birds, spinal, 234 of air gun pellet
to caimans, 414, 415–419f in humeral joint, 134f
to chinchillas, 275, 280f in metacarpophalangeal joint, 136f
to ferrets, 319, 321–322f of atrophic nonunions
to guinea pigs, 241, 245f of humeral fracture, 112f
soft tissue, 249 multiple, in shattered shoulder, 113–114f
to hedgehogs, 282, 288–290f of birds, positioning for, 13
to lizards, 387, 389–391f of budgie for abdominal tumor, 43f
to monkeys, 340 of burrowing owl, 8f
to pot-bellied pigs, 353 of cervical spine of nestling owl, 206f
to rabbits, facial, 297, 300f of chest of miniature goat with pneumothorax, 357f
to rats, 266 of clavicular fracture with callus formation, 96f
Traumatic amputations of wing, 124, 130–131f of cockatiel for GI evaluation, 42f
Traumatic avulsion of wing, 124, 132f of compound humeral fracture in great blue heron, 90f
Traumatic dislocation of elbow in alpacas and llamas, 349, of crop of bird, 227–228f
351f of cubital joint of Boreal owl, 74f
Triosseal canal of bird wing, 57, 60f of delayed union of coracoid fracture, 100–101f
fractures of, 92 of dentition of ferret, 332–333f
Tumor(s) of dislocation
abdominal of elbow, 125f
in budgie, radiographic diagnosis of, 43f of shoulder, 129f
in rabbits, 303, 309–312f of displaced, compound humeral fracture, 102f
in rats, 270, 272–274f of displaced radial and ulnar fractures, 115–120f
lung, in rabbits, 303, 309f of fl icker, positioning and securing for, 18–20f
soft tissue, tibiotarsal fractures of bird from, 167, of foreign body in GI treact of iguana, 394f
172–173f, 175f of fracture-dislocations
Turtles, 403–413 of central spinal region, 156f
diseases of, 403, 404–413f of cubital joints, 127–128f
gastrointestinal obstruction in, 403, 407–410f of radius and ulna, 126f
gout in, 403, 412–413f of gunshot fracture in crow, 91f
pneumonia in, 403, 404–406f of hamster, with cranial abdominal mass, 264–265f
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