Page 429 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 429
III Index 427
Lateral radiograph (Continued) Lateral radiograph (Continued)
of alpaca full, 230f
with gastric impaction, 356f impacted, 233f
with old injury to tibia, 352f lead fragment in, 232f
of armadillo, 337–338f of guinea pig, bloated, 246–247f
of bacteremia in guinea pig, 258f of thorax
of birds of chinchilla, 278f
with delayed union of coracoid fracture, 101f of ferret
with fracture-dislocation of central spinal region, 157f with cardiomegaly, 324–325f
positioning for, 13 with chest injuries, 322f
of budgie for abdominal tumor, 43f of hamster, 262f
of carpometacarpus of rabbit, 298–299f
of eagle, 76f with lung abscess, 303, 307–308f
of hawk, 77f manual restraint for, 292f
of cecal impaction in guinea pig, 249f with severe chest injuries, 303, 304f
of cervical spine of nestling owl, 206f with uterine carcinoma, 303, 309f
of dentition of ferret, 330–332f of rat with postural atelectasis, 269f
of ferret with dislocated elbow, 321f of thorax of guinea pig, 242f
of fl icker, positioning and securing for, 20–21f of throat, neck and chest of guinea pig, 243f
of foreign bodies of tibiotarsal fracture in bird, 174–175f
in bison, 365f from soft tissue sarcoma, 173f
in GI tract of iguana, 394–395f of tooth of bear, 362f
of forelimb fracture in caiman, 417f of torso of bird, 215f, 217f
of hamster, 261f of turtle
with cranial abdominal mass, 264–265f with intestinal obstruction, 407f, 409f
of head with pneumonia, 405f
of duck, 197f of urethral calculi in guinea pig, 251f
of eagle, 194f of Uromastyx, 385f
of fl icker, 196f of ventriculus, full, 229f
of grebe, 198f of visceral montage of bird, 213f
of hawk, 195f Lead in gastrointestinal tract of bird, 224, 231–232f
and neck of water dragon, 388f Leading edge view
of parrot, 195f of air gun pellet in humeral joint, 135f
of heart of rat, 268f of fractured wing in eagle, 16f
of hooded dragon with intestinal impaction, 393f of humeral joint in skeletally mature wing, 68, 72, 73f
of iguana, 382f of nonunion humeral fracture, 99f
with osteomyelitis of facial and jaw bones, 400f positioning for, 13, 22f
of lovebird, perched, 2f of posttraumatic osteoarthritis of wing, 150–151
of mandible in Camelid with chronic dental infection, of shattered shoulder of owl, healing, 103f
354f Leg, bird, 161–182
of monkey, 341–343f anatomy of, skeletal, normal, 161, 162f
of nasal cavity of bird, 192f fractures in
of nontraumatic osteoarthritis in guinea pig, 255–256f femoral, 161, 164–165f
of osteoarthritis in rabbit, 302f tibiotarsal, 167, 169–175f
of osteomyelitis genual joint injuries in, 161, 166f, 167, 167f, 168f
of facial and jaw bones in iguana, 400f lower limb and foot and, 167, 176–177f
of genual joint of bird, 168f radiography of, 161, 163f
of pot-bellied pig with septic arthritis-osteomyelitis, Lift, wing and, 44
358–359f Ligament(s)
of rats, interpretive problems with, 266 propatagial, sprains of, 121, 123f
of rectal prolapse in chameleon, 397f, 399f in wing, injury to, 85
of shoulder in skelatally mature wing, 68, 72f Limbs
of skeletally mature wing, 68, 71f of alpacas, deformities of, 346, 349–350f
of skull of caiman, fracture of, 417–418f
of alpaca with nasolacrimal duct obstruction, 355f of ferret with dislocated elbow, 321f
of caiman with fracture, 416f of guinea pigs, 241, 245f
of chinchilla, 277f of llamas, deformities of, 346, 349
of guinea pig, 240, 240f of monkey, 343f
of hedgehog, 286f of rabbit, fractures in, 297, 300f
of rabbit, 294f of turtle, gout in, 403, 412–413f
with middle ear infection, 303, 306f Liver of bird, 223, 224f, 225–226f
of small parrot, perched, 5f Lizards, 377–402
of spine anatomy of, radiographic, 377, 384–386f, 387–389f
of iguana with fracture deformity, 390f blockage in, secondary to intestinal foreign body/
of snake with spinal malunion, 374–375f material, 391, 393–395f
of stomach diseases of, 387, 391–395f, 395, 396–402f
in bird, 226f face and jaw infection in, 395, 400–402f
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