Page 425 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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III Index 423
Cormorant(s) Displaced spinal fractures, 153, 156–157f
beak of, 183, 187f Diverticula, in bird, 189
characteristics of, 30, 32 Dorsoplantar radiograph
feet of, in aquatic maneuvers, 180–181f of bacteremia in guinea pig, 258f
genual joint fracture in, 166f of hind paw of rabbit, 300f
hunting, 33f, 34f Dorsoventral (DV) radiograph
shoulder region of, ventrodorsal view of, 78f of abdomen
Cowbird, characteristics of, 25 of chinchilla, 279f
Coxal joints of ferret with internal abscess, 327–328f
of alpaca, rickets in, 350f of hedgehog, 288f
of bird, 153, 159–160f of rat with intestinal impaction, 272f
of rabbit, 291, 295–297f, 296 of armadillo, 383–339f
Crane, whooping, dead, neck of, 202f of forelimbs
Craniocaudal radiograph of caiman, fracture of, 417–418f
of bird of chinchilla, 280f
with distal femoral fracture, 164–165f of guinea pig, 237, 239f
with fi bular fracture, 175f of hamsters, 259, 261f
with genual joint dislocation, 167f of head and neck, of water dragon, 386f
legs of, 163f of heart, of hedgehog, 287f
with osteomyelitis of genual joint, 168f of iguana, 381f
with tibiotarsal fracture, 171f, 174–175f with enterolith, 392f
from nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, with femoral fracture, 383f
169–170f of lovebird, perched, 2f
of ferret with dislocated elbow, 321f of mandible, in Camelid with chronic dental infection,
of pot-bellied pig with septic arthritis-osteomyelitis, 359f 354f
of rabbit with osteoarthritis, 302f of skull
of turtle of caiman, 416f
with intestinal obstruction, 408f, 410f of chinchilla, 277f
with pneumonia, 406f of hedgehog, 286f
Craniofacial hinge joint in birds, 183, 189 of snake, 371f
Cranium, of bird, 189, 198–199f of snake, 372f
Crop, of bird, 201, 203f of tail, of iguana, angular deformity of, 392f
identifi cation of, 224, 227–230f of thorax
Crow(s) of chinchilla, 278f
characteristics of, 25 of rat, 267f
esophageal obstruction in, 204–205f with abdominal tumor, 270f
in fl ight, 26f with postural atelectasis, 269f
gunshot fracture in, 91f of torso
surgical infection in wing of, 143–144f of gravid iguana, 387f
Cubital joint of bird wing, 57, 61–62f of iguana, 386f
articular fracture of, 87, 88f of rat with tumor, 274f
dislocations in, 125f of turtle
immature, 68, 69f with eggs, 410f
injury to, 92 with gout in limbs, 412–413f
mature, 72, 74f with intestinal obstruction, 407f, 409f
Cystic calculi, in guinea pig, 249, 250f with pneumonia, 405f
of Uromastyx, 384–385f
D Double heart sign, in rat, 266, 270f
Degus, 275, 280f Dragon, hooded, 378f
Demonstration pets, 360–365 Duck(s)
Dental disease, in ferrets, 326, 330–333f beak of, 183, 188f
Destabilization, of wing joints, posttraumatic osteoarthritis characteristics of, 25
and, 148, 149–152f clamping down on examiners fi nger, 30f
Digit(s) diving, takeoff of, 179f
alular, 44, 49f handling problems for, 11f
of bird wing, 63–64f, 64 mallard, swimming, 29f
fractures of, 92 redheaded, clavicular fracture in, early callus formation
skeletally mature, 75, 77f in, 96f
traumatic amputation of, 129–130f shovel-nosed, head of, 197f
traumatic avulsion of, 132f DV radiograph. See Dorsoventral (DV) radiograph.
of cervical spine of grebe, 207–208f E
of elbow in alpacas and llamas, 349, 351f Eagle(s)
of extremities in rabbits, 297, 300f bald
of genual joint, 167f beak of, 183, 184f
in wing, 121, 124, 125f. See also Fracture-dislocations, of fracture in
wing. coracoid, delayed union of, 100f
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