Page 424 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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422 Index III
Birds (Continued) Callus formation
organs of, assessment of, 216, 218–219f, 220–234 resembling infection, 104, 105f
ovaries of, 234 in wing fracture healing, 93–94, 96–99f
pancreas of, 223–224 Camber, aircraft wing and, 44
pelvis of, anatomy of, 153, 155f Canadian goose (geese)
radiography/radiographic diagnosis of, 1–24 beak of, 183, 188f
comparative normals for, 13 central spinal region of, 155–156f
image assessment in, 23–24f characteristics of, 25
patient-tailored, sign-directed, 13 coxal joints of, 159–160f
precautions for, 6–7, 9–13f distal wing bones of, 64f
standard fi lm protocols for, 13, 14–21f in fl ight, 56f
supplementary views for, 13, 22f in formation and on ground, 28f
where and what to look for in, 13, 22 handling problems for, 10–11f, 12f
spine of humerus of, 61f
anatomy of, 153, 154–156f landing, feet in, 179f
fractures of, 153, 156–157f pelvis of, 158f
trauma to, 234 radius of, 62f
spleen of, 223 tail and pygostyle of, 154f
stomach of, 224, 226f, 229–233f ulna of, 62–63f
talons of, 167, 177, 178f unconscious, examination of, 29f
testes of, 234 Canary(ies)
throat of, 201 fragility of, 40
tongue of, 183, 188–191f, 201 radiography of, 1
torso of, 209–236. See also Torso, bird. Capital physeal fractures, 161
trachea of, 201, 202f Carapace of armadillo, 334
water, feet of, in propulsion, 177, 180–181f, 181, 182f Cardiac blood sampling, in snakes, 370, 376f
wild, 25–39 Cardiac shift, in postural atelectasis in rat, 266, 269f
radiography of, diagnostic quality of, 6–8f Cardiac-thoracic ratio, increased, in rat, 266
wings of, 44–152. See also Wing(s). Cardiomyopathy, in ferrets, 319, 324–326f
Bison, 360, 363–365f Cardiopulmonary disease, in rats, 266, 267–269f
Blackbirds, characteristics of, 25, 30 Carina, of bird, 216, 218f
Bladder Carpometacarpus, of skelatally mature wing, 75, 76–77f
of guinea pig, stones in, 249, 250f Carpus
of rabbit, stones in, 310, 316–318f Carpus of bird wing, 63–64f
Blood vessel, in wing, injury to, 85–86 region of, high-velocity bullet wound to, 139f
Blue heron Cavies, 237–258. See also Guinea pigs.
great. See Heron(s), great blue. Cecum, of guinea pig, enlarged/impacted, 248–249, 249f
handling precautions for, 9f Central visceral silhouette, in bird, analysis of, 216,
Blue jay, perching, 167, 176f 217–218f
Bluebird, mountain, traumatic amputation of digital Cervical spine, of bird, 201, 203, 206–208f
metacarpus and digits in wing, 129f Cervicocephalic air sac, in bird, 189
Bone Chameleon, 379f
destruction versus reduction of, from infections, 142, rectal prolapse in, 396–399f
146–147f Chest, of rabbit, trauma to, 297, 303, 304f
in wing, injury to, 85 Chickadee(s)
Bowel, of bird, 224, 231–232f characteristics of, 35
Bowel distribution pattern, assessment of, in hedgehog, feeding, 37f
282, 288 Chinchillas
Box, cardboard, disposable, for radiography anatomy of, radiographic, 275, 277–279f
of hamster, 263f injuries to, 275, 280f
of small birds, 1, 3f, 40 radiography of, 275, 276f
Brain, of bird, 189 Chondromatosis, in guinea pig, 252
Bronchi, main stem, of bird, 216, 218f Clavicle, of bird, fracture of, 92
Bruises, to wing, 121 healing of, with callus formation, 96f
Budgie Cockatiel, radiography of, ventrodorsal, for GI evaluation,
lungs of, 219f 42f
radiography of, for tumor, 43f Colic, with bloated stomach in guinea pigs, 241
Bullet wounds. See Gunshot wounds. Comminuted fractures, of wing, 87, 89f
Butterfl y fragment in comminuted fractures of wing, 87 Compound fractures, of wing, 90, 90f
Computed tomography imaging, of wing
C cross-sectional, conventional, 80, 81–82f
Caimans, 414–419 three-dimensional, reconstructed, 80, 83–84f
injuries to, 414, 415–419f Congenital dislocation, of elbow of alpacas and llamas,
radiography of, 414, 415f 349
Calculi Congestive heart failure, in ferret, 324f
cystic, in guinea pig, 249, 250f Coracoid, of bird wing, fracture of, 90, 92
urethral, in guinea pig, 249, 251f delayed union of, 100–101f
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