Page 426 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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424 Index III
Eagle(s) (Continued) Flicker(s) (Continued)
humeral radiography of, positioning and securing for, 18–21f
atrophic nonunion of, 112f shattered shoulder in, multiple atrophic nonunions in,
open, infected, 144f 113–114f
radial, hypertrophic nonunion of, 108f tibiotarsal fracture in, 175f
tibiotarsal, 171f tongue of, 190f
nasal cavity of, 192f Flight, potential for, after wing injury, 85
posttraumatic osteoarthritis in wing of, 150f Foot (feet), of bird, 167, 176–177f
recovering from anesthesia, 31f injuries to, 177, 181, 181f, 182f
carpometacarpus of, lateral radiograph of, 76f in propulsion on and beneath water surface, 177,
central visceral silhouette of, 218f 180–181f, 181, 182f
characteristics of, 30 in takeoff and landing, 177, 179–180f
dislocation of digital interphalangeal joint of, 182f Foreign body(ies), gastrointestinal
with fractured wing, radiograph of, 14–16f in alpaca, 353, 356f
golden, ventrodorsal view of shoulders of, 71f in ferrets, 319, 323f
head of, eye in, 194f in lizard, 391, 393–395f
leg of, radiography of, 163f in llama, 353, 356f
stomach of Forelimb. See also Limb(s).
full, 226f of caiman, fracture of, 417–418f
lead fragment in, 231–232f Fracture(s)
torso of, 217f in bird
traumatic amputations in, 131f of leg
vascular pedicle of, 222f femoral, 161, 164–165f
Ears, rabbit, 291, 295f genual joint, 161, 166f
infections of, 303, 305f tibiotarsal, 167, 169–175f
Eggs, of bird, 234 pile-driver, of tarsometatarsal shaft, 167, 171f
Elbow. See also Cubital joint. of spine, 153, 156–157f
of alpaca, dislocations of, 349, 351f tibiotarsal, folding or bending, 167, 169–170f
of immature wing, 68, 69f of wing
of llama, pseudoarthrosis in, 351f articular, 87, 88f
of mature wing, 72, 74f comminuted, 87, 89f
Elephant’s foot, 104 compound, 90, 90f
Emphysema in birds gunshot, 90, 91f
saccular, 220, 222f healing of, 93–104. See also Healing of wing
superfi cial subcutaneous, 209, 216, 216f fractures.
Enteroliths, in lizards, 391, 392f malunion, 104, 106–108f
Esophagus, of bird, 201, 204–205f, 224, 234f missile-related, 137, 140f. See also Gunshot wounds.
Extremity. See Limb(s). multiple, 90, 91f
Eyes, of raptors, 189, 193–195f nonunion, 104, 108–114f
open, infections from, 142, 144–145f
F simple, 87, 88f
Face in caiman, of forelimb, 417–418f
infections of, in lizards, 395, 400–402f in ferret, of spine, 326, 333f
injuries to, in rabbits, 297, 300f in guinea pig, 249
Feathers, of wing, broken or missing, 86 of humeral joint, 245f
Femoral fractures in lizard
of bird, 161, 164–165f femoral, 387, 389f
of Chinese water dragon, 387, 389f insuffi ciency, 387
Ferrets, 319–333 traumatic fracture differentiated from, 391–392f
adrenal disease in, 326, 329f spinal, 387, 390–391f
anatomy of, radiographic, 319, 320f in rabbits, 297, 300–301f
dental and paradental disease in, 326, 330–333f Fracture-dislocations
gastrointestinal foreign bodies in, 319, 323f of central spinal region, 156–157f
heart disease in, 319, 324–326f in guinea pig, 245f
injuries to, 319, 321–322f of wing, 124, 126–129f
internal abscesses in, 326, 327–329f Free celomic air in radiography of bird torso, 216
radiography of, 319, 320f Frontal radiograph
spinal fractures in, 326, 333f of angular deformity of limbs of alpacas and llamas,
Fibular fracture, in bird, 175f 349f
Flaps in aircraft wing, 44 of bird, positioning for, 13, 22f
beak of, 183, 185f G
head of, 196f Garter snake, 368–369f
lung hemorrhage in, 220f Gastrointestinal tract
Northern of alpaca, impaction/foreign body in, 353, 356f
characteristics of, 39 of ferret, foreign bodies in, 319, 323f
feeding, 38f of lizard
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