Page 431 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 431
III Index 429
Owl(s) (Continued) Pelican(s)
great horned beak of, 183, 186–187f
anesthetized for CT scan, 81f characteristics of, 30, 32
carina of, 218f hunting, 33f, 34f
cubital joint of, 61–62f landing mechanisms of, 54f
distal skeletal elements of wing of, 63, 63f shoulder region of, ventrodorsal view of, 78f
heart of, 223f Pelvis
perched, 33f of bird, anatomy of, 153, 155f
shoulder region of, 58–60f of rabbit, fractures of, 297, 301f
3-D reconstruction of, 83–84f Perching, importance of, 167, 176–177f
axial CT of, 82f Perching position in radiography
tongue of, 189f of medium-sized cage birds, 1, 5f
torso of, dissection of, 210–212f of small cage birds, 1, 2f
wings of, control surfaces of, 49–51f Performance pets, 360–365
with high-velocity bullet wound to humeral joint, Pericarditis, infectious, in bison, 360
137–138f Pigeon(s)
humeral fracture in, displaced, 88f characteristics of, 32, 35
open, comminuted, 89f in fl ight, 35f
liver in Pigs, pot-bellied, 353, 358–359f
enlarged, 225f Pile-driver fracture of tarsometatarsal shaft of bird, 167,
shrunken, 226f 171f
neck of, 203f Pine Siskin, feeding, 37f
nestling Plane. See Aircraft.
cervical spine of, 206f Planforms, 44
wings of, 66f, 67f Pneumonia
perching in, 167 community, in bird, 220, 221f
release of, after wing fracture recovery, 94f in turtles, 403, 404–406f
shotgun pellet in wing, radiographs of, 6f, 7f Positioning of birds
snowy for lateral radiographs, 13, 20f
compressive hemorrhage of clavicular air sacs in, 221f for radiography of wing, 65
displaced radial and ulnar fractures in, 104, 115–120f for ventrodorsal radiograph, 13, 18–19f
with high-velocity bullet wound to wing, 139f Posttraumatic muscle atrophy in wing, 121
nestling, shoulder joints of, 68f Posttraumatic osteoarthritis in wing, 148, 149–152f
ulnar fracture in, healed as malunion, 106f Posttraumatic osteoporosis, 104, 105f
young adult, cervical spine of, 207f Postural atelectasis in rat, 266, 269f
Pot-bellied pigs, 353, 358–359f
P Primates, 340–345
Pancreas of bird, 223–224 Propatagial ligament, sprains of, 121, 123f
Parakeet(s) Propulsion, 55, 56f
fragility of, 40 Pseudoarthrosis in llama, 351f
radiography of, 1 Punctures of wing, 121, 122f
Paranasal sinuses of birds, 189, 195–198f Pygostyle, 153, 154f
African Gray Q
beak and entoglossum bone of, 191f Quail, osteomyelitis of genual joint of, 168f
Congo, perched, 41f
fi bular fracture in, 175f R
shoulder region of, ventrodorsal view of, 79f Rabbits, 291–318
throat and neck of, 202f abdomen of, 297
tibiotarsal fracture in disorders in, 303, 313–318f
from nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, anatomy of, radiographic, 291, 294–295f, 296–297,
169–170f 296–300f
from soft tissue sarcoma, 172–173f bladder stones in, 310, 316–318f
visceral montage of, 213f dislocations of extremities in, 297, 300f
Amazon fractures in, 297, 300–301f
beak of, 184f gastric dilation in, 310, 315f
gastric impaction in, 233f hairballs in, 303, 310, 313f
perched, 42f, 177f hips of, 291, 295–297f, 296
torso of, after barium administration, 234f infections in, 303, 304–308f
beak of, 183, 184f osteoarthritis in, 297, 302f
head of, 195f radiography of, 291, 292–293f
small-sized, radiography of, 1, 4f, 5f skull of, 291, 294–295f
tongue of, 183, 191f thorax of, 296–297, 298–299f
Partridge trauma in
full stomach in, 230f chest, 297, 303, 304f
shoulder region of, ventrodorsal view of, 79f facial, 297, 300f
Pea hen, legs of, radiography of, gun barrel sign in, 163f tumors in, 303, 309–312f
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