Page 428 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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426 Index III
Hips Intestines, impacted
of bird, anatomy of, 153, 159–160f of lizard, 391, 392f
of rabbit, 291, 295–297f, 296 of rat, 270, 271–272f
Hooded dragon, 378f Involucrum, callus resembling, 104, 105f
Horizontal septum of bird, 209
Horses, miniature, 353, 356f J
Hovering, 53, 55f Jaw(s)
Humeral joint of bird, 183, 189
of African Gray parrot, ventrodorsal view of, 79f of lizards, infections of, 395
of bird wing, 57, 58–59f Jay(s)
air gun pellet in, 134–135f beak of, 183, 185f
high-velocity bullet wound to, 137–138f characteristics of, 25
immature, 66, 68f frontal and portrait views, 27f
mature, 68, 72, 73f perching in, 167
missile-related injuries to, 140f Joint(s)
shattered, multiple atrophic nonunions in, 113–114f coxal
of guinea pig, fracture of, 245f of alpaca, rickets in, 350f
of hawk of birds, 153
dislocation of, 129f of rabbit, 291, 295–297f, 296
shattered, lateral view of, 72f craniofacial hinge, in birds, 183, 189
of partridge, ventrodorsal view of, 79f cubital. See Cubital joint of bird wing.
of water birds, ventrodorsal view of, 78f genual, of bird leg, injuries to, 161, 166f, 167, 167f, 168f
Humerus of bird wing, 57, 61f humeral. See Humeral joint.
fracture of, 90, 92 radiocarpal
compound of skeletally immature wing, 68, 70f
displaced, 102f in skeletally mature wing, 75
in great blue heron, 90f of wing
nonunion of, 98–99f incongruity of, posttraumatic osteoarthritis and, 148,
atrophic, 112f 149–152f
open, infected, 144–145f injury to, 85
skeletally immature, 66, 68 Junco(s)
skeletally mature, 72, 74f characteristics of, 35
Hyperparathyroidism, nutritional secondary dead, from hitting window, 198f
in bird, tibiotarsal fractures from, 167, 169–170f
in lizard, 387, 391 K
Hypertrophic nonunion, of wing fractures, 104, 108–111f Kestrel(s)
Hypoparathyroidism, nutritional secondary, in monkeys, articular fracture of elbow in, 88f
340–341 dead, 32f
Hypovitaminosis D, in monkeys, 341, 344–345f torso of, 214–215f
traumatic amputation in, 130f
I Kidneys of bird, 224, 236f
Iguana, 378f, 380–382f Kingfi shers, characteristics of, 30
osteomyelitis in facial and jaw bones in, 400–402f
Impacted intestines, of rat, 270, 271–272f L
Implants, in wing fracture repair, failure/dislocation of, Lacerations of wing, 121, 122f
104 Lameness in guinea pig, 249, 252f
Incongruity, joint, in wing, posttraumatic osteoarthritis Larynx of bird, 201
and, 148, 149–152f Lateral radiograph
Infection(s) of abdomen
in birds of chinchilla, 279f
callus formation resembling, 104, 105f of ferret
in genual joint, 167, 168f with GI foreign body, 323f
of lung, 220, 221f with internal abscess, 327–328f
of wing, 142–147 of guinea pig, 244f
bone destruction versus bone reduction from, 142, of hamster, 262f
146–147f of hedgehog with infected uterus, 289f
open fracture, 142, 144–145f of rabbit
surgical, 142, 143–144f with bladder stones, 316–317f
systemic, 142 with gastric dilation, 315f
in guinea pigs, 252, 258f with hairballs, 313f
in lizards, face and jaw, 395, 400–402f with uterine carcinoma, 303, 309f, 311f
in rabbits, 303, 304–308f of rat
Infectious pericarditis, in bison, 360 with adrenal tumor, 273f
Infraorbital sinus, of bird, 189 with intestinal impaction, 271f
Injuries. See Trauma. of air gun pellet
Insuffi ciency fracture, in lizards, 387 in humeral joint of bird, 135f
traumatic fracture differentiated from, 391–392f in metacarpophalangeal joint of bird, 136f
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