Page 430 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 430

408   PART IV    Specific Malignancies in the Small Animal Patient

                                                               subtype was not prognostic, but metastatic disease was more com-
                                       Surgery type            mon in dogs with pleomorphic liposarcomas.  A revised classifi-
                                                               cation scheme has been proposed on the basis of IHC expression
                                         Marginal excision  0.8                       Incisional biopsy     of MDM2 and CDK4. In one study, MDM2 and CDK4 were
                                         Wide excision
                                                               expressed in 67% and 88% of well-differentiated liposarcomas,
              Proportion surviving  0.6                        phic liposarcomas, and 75% and 100% of dedifferentiated liposar-
                                                               14% and 71% of myxoid liposarcomas, 0% and 67% of pleomor-
                                                               comas.  Furthermore, Ki67 index also correlated with histotype
                                                               and was lowest in well-differentiated liposarcomas and highest in
                                                               dedifferentiated liposarcomas.  These results parallel the human
                                                               ated and dedifferentiated liposarcomas distinct entities, but that
               0.2                                             data to some degree and suggest that not only are well-differenti-
                                                               this classification scheme may have prognostic significance.  
                 0       1      2       3      4       5       Tumors of Skeletal Muscle
         •  Fig. 22.3  Kaplan–Meier survival curve of 56 dogs with liposarcoma   Rhabdomyosarcomas are rare malignant tumors originating from
         treated with either incisional biopsy, marginal resection, or wide excision.   myoblasts or primitive mesenchymal cells capable of differentiat-
         The median survival time is significantly longer, at 1188 days, after wide   ing into striated muscle cells.  In dogs, rhabdomyosarcomas are
         surgical resection than less aggressive techniques. (Reprinted with per-  most frequently reported to arise from skeletal muscle of the uri-
         mission from Baez JL, Hendrick MJ, Shofer FS, et al: Liposarcomas in   nary bladder, retrobulbar musculature (Fig. 22.4), larynx, tongue,
         dogs: 56 cases (1989–2000), J Am Vet Med Assoc 224:887, 2004.)
                                                               and myocardium. 86,87  They are locally invasive with a low to mod-
                                                               erate metastatic potential. Metastatic sites include the lungs, liver,
         cases reported a 4:1 female-to-male ratio.  Aggressive treatment,   spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands. 85
         including amputation, may be necessary for local control. RT can   Rhabdomyosarcomas  are  histologically  classified  as  embry-
         be considered either alone or in combination with surgical exci-  onal, botryoid, alveolar, and pleomorphic.  The histologic
         sion. Complete and partial responses have been reported in the   diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma is difficult (see  Fig. 22.4C),
         gross disease setting after external beam RT.         and IHC staining for vimentin, skeletal muscle actin, myoglo-
                                                               bin, myogenin, and myogenic differentiation (MyoD) may be
         Liposarcoma                                           required for definitive diagnosis.  Embryonal rhabdomyosarco-
         Liposarcomas are uncommon malignant tumors originating from   mas have a predilection for the head and neck region, such as the
         lipoblasts and lipocytes in older dogs.  Liposarcomas are usually   tongue, oral cavity, larynx, and retrobulbar musculature. 86,87  In
         firm and poorly circumscribed. They are locally invasive with a   contrast, botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma commonly arises in the
         low metastatic potential. Metastatic sites include the lungs, liver,   urinary bladder of young, female large-breed dogs, with Saint
         spleen, and bone. 29,76  Liposarcomas do not arise from malignant   Bernard dogs possibly being overrepresented in one data set.
         transformation of lipomas. Specific causes are not known, but   Botryoid tumors are characterized by their grapelike appear-
         foreign body–associated  liposarcoma has been reported in one   ance. The histologic classification scheme for rhabdomyosar-
         dog.  There is no breed or sex predilection.  They are commonly   coma has prognostic significance in humans. 85,89  In humans,
         reported in subcutaneous locations, especially along the ventrum   botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma has a good prognosis, embryonal
         and extremities, but can also occur in other primary sites such as   rhabdomyosarcoma has an intermediate prognosis, and alveolar
         bone, spleen, and the abdominal cavity. 76–78  Liposarcomas are dif-  rhabdomyosarcoma has a poor prognosis. 85,89  In dogs, botryoid
         ferentiated from lipomas based on morphologic appearance, cyto-  rhabdomyosarcomas have a 27% metastatic rate whereas embry-
         logic findings, and CT characteristics. Staining cytologic samples   onal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas have a 50% metastatic
         with Oil Red O can be useful to differentiate liposarcomas from   rate.  Metastatic disease is more common in younger dogs, with
         other soft tissue saromas by staining lipid.  Liposarcomas appear   the majority of dogs with metastatic disease being less than 2
         as mixed-attenuating, heterogeneous, multinodular, contrast-  years of age in one study  and, in another study, all dogs less
         enhancing masses on precontrast CT images, and these features   than 4 years of age died of metastatic disease or local tumor
         can be used to differentiate liposarcomas from regular and infiltra-  recurrence (with an MST of 2.5 months), whereas no dog older
         tive lipomas. 53,80                                   than 4 years of age died of tumor-related reasons.  
            The prognosis for liposarcoma is good with appropriate surgi-
         cal management. The MST after wide surgical excision is 1188   Tumors of Lymphatic Tissue
         days; this is significantly better than either marginal excision or
         incisional biopsy, which have MSTs of 649 days and 183 days,   Lymphangiosarcoma
         respectively (Fig. 22.3).  Liposarcoma is histologically classified   Lymphangiosarcoma is a rare tumor arising from lymphatic
         as well-differentiated, myxoid, round cell (or poorly differenti-  endothelial cells. 29,90  They are usually soft, cystic-like, and
         ated), pleomorphic, or dedifferentiated. This classification scheme   edematous, usually occurring in the subcutis (Fig. 22.5).  In
         has clinical and prognostic importance in humans because pleo-  most cases, clinical signs are associated with extensive edema
         morphic liposarcomas have a high metastatic rate, myxoid lipo-  and drainage of lymph through the skin or a cystic mass, or
         sarcomas are more likely to metastasize to extrapulmonary soft   nonhealing, discharging wounds.  Lymphangiosarcoma and
         tissue structures, and well-differentiated liposarcomas are unlikely   HSA can be difficult to differentiate using histopathology and
         to metastasize. 81–83  In a retrospective study in dogs, histologic   immunohistochemical markers for vascular endothelium, such
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