Page 104 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 104

90                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                                                               Case no. 6

                       L., canine, 15 years old, Belgian Shepherd, FS, 23 kg
                       •  Complaint: wound over left carpus and lameness from same limb.
                       •  History: surgery for soft tissue sarcoma at the referring practice 4 months before. Clean margins according
                         to pathology report. A week after surgery, patient presented with wound dehiscence. The wound size had not
                         changed for the past 11 weeks.
                       •  Physical examination: lameness was graded as 2/5 and related to the wound after physical examination
                         ruled out other locations. Despite lack of healing, the wound, which was 35 cm  in size, presented a well-
                         vascularized granulation bed with no signs of infection (Fig. C6.1).
                       •  Diagnosis: chronic (non-healing) wound.
                       •  Treatment:
                          •  Wound management: lavaged with sterile saline and covered with sterile gauze and a non-compressive
                             bandage. No oral or topical treatments were used.
                          •  Laser therapy: on the first day, the patient was treated with 4 J/cm ; 18 h later, the granulation bed had an
                             exuberant appearance (Fig. C6.2), so a lower dose of 2 J/cm  was used that day, using half the previous
                             power and power density. Treatments were then performed q48h, and after the second week, q72–96h.
                       •  Outcome: full closure of the wound after 11 sessions in 32 days (Fig. C6.8). Lameness disappeared after the
                         first week.

                        Figure C6.1 Initial aspect.  Figure C6.2 18 h after first   Figure C6.3 Day 7.  Figure C6.4 Day 10.
                                                    laser treatment.

                          Figure C6.5 Day 17.     Figure C6.6 Day 21.      Figure C6.7 Day 28.      Figure C6.8 Day 32.

                        P  (W)       Tx time     J/cm 2   Total J/Tx    Spot (cm )   W/cm 2    Tx/week      No. Tx
                           3      132 s (2.2 min)  4         400           6          0.5        3-2          11

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