Page 105 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 105

Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications          91

                                                             Case no. 7

                    N., canine, 5 years old, Golden Retriever, FS, 26 kg
                    •  Complaint: traumatic cut in the paw.
                    •  History: she came home bleeding from the paw 36 h previously. She had probably cut herself on something
                       in the park. Owners had performed initial lavage with copious amounts of water.
                    •  Physical examination: cut wound on left forelimb foot pad, raising a flap that ran along the width of the
                       central pad (Fig. C7.1). No signs of infection. No foreign material inside.
                    •  Diagnosis: accidental cut wound.
                    •  Treatment:
                       •  Wound management: lavaged with 0.05% chlorhexidine and sutured with 3/0 non-absorbable
                          monofilament. Protective bandage.
                       •  Laser therapy: 4 J/cm  over a 100 cm  area, to cover not just the suture line but also the proximal palmar
                          surface and stimulate blood flow to the pad. Wound looked healthy after 48 h (Fig. C7.2) and the scar
                          was barely visible after 1 week (Fig. C7.3).
                    •  Outcome: complete healing with good tensile strength and minimal scarring after 2 weeks (Fig. C7.4).

                      Figure C7.1 Wound before   Figure C7.2 48 h after   Figure C7.3 One week after   Figure C7.4 Day 14.
                            treatment.              treatment.              treatment.

                      P  (W)      Tx time     J/cm 2    Total J/Tx   Spot (cm )   W/cm 2     Tx/week     No. Tx
                        3      133 s (2.2 min)  4         400            6          0.5         3          6

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