Page 275 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 275

Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)   257

                  11.28  Parabronchi of the chicken (schematic).

                                                                                    11.29  Scanning electron
                                                                                    micrograph of the parabronchi
                                                                                    of the lung of a chicken (x50).
                                                                                    (Courtesy of S. Reese, Munich).

                     The epithelial lining of the parabronchi is simple squa-
                  mous. Numerous small air chambers (atria) bulge outwardly   ·  endothelial cells of the blood capillaries,
                  from the atrial lumen. The atria are lined with squamous   ·  the fused basal membranes of the blood and air cap-
                  to cuboidal epithelium containing lamellated osmiophilic   illaries and
                  bodies (surfactant) for reduction of surface tension. The   ·  the epithelial lining of the air capillaries.
                  epithelium is surrounded by muscle cells and elastic fibres.
                     Several funnel-shaped infundibulae open from the atria  Relative to body weight, the surface area for gas exchange
                  and radiate into the periphery of the parabronchi. These  in birds is around ten times greater than in mammals. In
                  give rise to an anastomosing three-dimensional network of  the chicken, it constitutes 18 cm /g of body weight.
                  tubular air capillaries (pneumo-capillaries).
                     The diameter of the air capillaries, characteristic for  Air sacs (sacci pneumatici, sacci aerophori)
                  each species, ranges from 3 to 10 μm. Due to the high  The air sacs are thin-walled deformable cavities. They
                  surface tension within these small-calibre tubes, their  are joined by connective tissue with adjacent organs or
                  diameter remains relatively constant. The air capillaries  muscles but can also be partially covered with a tunica
                  are intimately intermeshed with a dense network of blood  serosa. By penetrating the bones, the air sacs also serve to
                  capillaries, permitting gas exchange to take place. The  pneumatise the skeleton. The walls of the air sacs con-
                  avian blood–air barrier is considerably thinner than that  tain collagen and elastic fibres, as well as smooth muscle
                  of mammals and consists of three elements:     cells.

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