Page 276 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 276                                                                         12

                   Urinary system

                   (organa urinaria)

                   The urinary system comprises the organs that produce and  the kidney, particularly in species with kidneys lacking
                   modify urine (kidneys) and the passages through which  external fissures (horse, small ruminants, pig, carnivores)
                   the urine is conveyed and excreted (renal pelvises, ureters,  (Figures 12.1 and 12.2). Pathological processes may cause
                   bladder and urethra).                          the capsule to adhere more firmly to the parenchyma.
                                                                     Extension of the loose connective tissue into the paren-
                   Kidney (ren)                                   chyma gives rise to a loose meshwork of collagen fibres
                   The kidneys have several functions. They perform a central  that surrounds the renal corpuscles and tubules, and forms
                   role in the excretion of waste products and contribute to  the adventitia of blood vessels and nerves (renal interstit-
                   homeostasis by maintaining the normal composition of  ium). In the ox, sheep and dog, there are also bundles of
                   body fluids. Production of urine by the kidneys involves  smooth muscle fibres around collecting tubules.
                   processes of  filtration,  secretion,  reabsorption and   On the medial aspect of the kidney, the indented renal
                   concentration.                                 hilus (hilus renalis) is continuous with the deep renal sinus
                      Specific functions of the kidney include:   (sinus renalis). The sinus is occupied by the renal pelvis
                                                                  (pelvis renalis) and/or the renal calyces (calices renales).
                     ·  excretion of organic products of metabolism (e.g.   The hilus is traversed by the ureter, blood vessels, lymph
                       bilirubin, urea), inorganic compounds (e.g. trace ele-  vessels and nerve fibres. These are usually surrounded by
                       ments, alkaline earth metals [e.g. Mg , Ca ], alkali   fat (Figures 12.1 and 12.3).
                       metals [e.g. Na , K ]) and non-metabolisable exog-  The basic structural units of the kidney of domestic
                       enous substances (e.g. pharmacological agents),  mammals are the renal lobes (lobi renales). These consist
                     ·  maintenance of osmotic pressure and H  concentra-  of an outer cortex and a pyramidal inner medulla. A papilla
                       tion of body fluids by selective reabsorption and/or   (papilla renalis) at the tip of the medulla protrudes into the
                       excretion of ions and water,               calyces (or pelvis, depending on species). The boundaries of
                     ·  regulation of acid–base balance,          adjacent lobes are marked by interlobar arteries and veins.
                     ·  synthesis of hormones for regulation of blood pres-
                       sure (renin–angiotensin system) and control of   Species variation
                       erythropoiesis (erythropoietin) and          During development, the renal lobes undergo fusion to
                     ·  production of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol for reg-  produce a single, discrete organ. The degree of fusion
                       ulation of blood calcium.                    varies with species. In most domestic species, the corti-
                                                                    ces are completely fused and the surface of the kidney
                   Macroscopic structure of the kidney              is smooth and uninterrupted. In the ox, partial fusion
                   The kidneys are paired, roughly bean-shaped organs   results in deep, externally visible fissures.
                   (exception: right kidney of the horse). They lie in the retro-
                   peritoneal space and are typically surrounded by a layer of   Horse, goat, sheep, cat and dog: The tips of the
                   fat (capsula adiposa). In addition to acting as a reservoir,   medullary pyramids are fused to form the renal crest
                   this peri-renal adipose tissue supports and protects the kid-  (unilobar kidney).
                   neys. The surface of the kidney is surrounded by a tough   Pig and ox: The apices of the medullary pyramids
                   connective tissue capsule (capsula fibrosa) composed of   remain separate and project into renal calyces (multi-
                   collagen fibres and occasional elastic fibres. Subjacent to   lobar kidneys).
                   the fibrous capsule is a thin layer of loose connective tissue   Birds: Renal lobules may be visible on the surface
                   containing smooth muscle cells. The connection between   of the kidney as small dome-shaped bulges (diameter
                   this layer and the parenchyma is limited to delicate fibre   1–2 mm). However, not all renal lobules reach the sur-
                   bundles, allowing the capsule to be easily separated from   face of the kidney. In functional terms, the avian kidney

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