Page 33 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 33

The cell (cellula)  15

                  1.19 to 1.22). They are typically 2–7 μm long and 0.2–2.0   Inner membrane: The inner mitochondrial membrane  μm wide. Mitochondria are capable of replicating by fis-  is typically arranged in folds referred to as cristae (Figures
                  sion, a process that occurs particularly during increased  1–19, 1.21 and 1.22). In some cells, these take the form of
                                                                 tubular projections (Figure 1.20). The number of cristae is
                  metabolic activity and prior to mitosis. They have a lifes-
                  pan of approximately 20 days and are broken down within  determined by the type and function of the cell, and by the
                  the cell by autophagy. Mitochondria are composed of   metabolic activity of the mitochondrion. Cells of the liver,
                  several compartments:                          muscles and kidney exhibit a particularly high density of
                                                                 cristae. During fasting, the number of cristae is reduced.
                   ·  mitochondrial matrix,                         The tubular form (Figure 1.20) is the much less com-
                   ·  inner membrane,                            mon type of mitochondrion. It is found principally in cells
                   ·  outer membrane and the                     that produce steroid hormones (e.g. adrenal cortex, Leydig
                   ·  intermembrane space (spatium intermembranosum).  cells in the testes). A longitudinally prismatic arrangement
                                                                 of the cristal membrane is also recognised (e.g. glial cells).
                  The functions of the mitochondria take place in the   The inner mitochondrial membrane contains a large
                  matrix and at the inner membrane. The outer membrane  number of enzymes that are essential for sustaining life,
                  encases the inner, functional components. Between these  a feature that distinguishes it from other cell membranes.
                  two membranes is the narrow  intermembrane space  On the surface facing the matrix, the membrane carries
                  (Figures 1.19 and 1.20).                       enzymes associated with the respiratory chain (electron
                     Mitochondrial matrix: The mitochondrial matrix  transport chain) and oxidative phosphorylation. The
                  appears finely granular and variable in density. Small  vast majority of energy for the cell is generated at the inner
                  matrix granules (30–50 nm) containing Ca  and Mg   mitochondrial membrane, through the formation of ATP
                  ions increase in number when intramitochondrial concen-  from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phos-
                  trations of these cations are increased.       phate. The morphological entities associated with energy
                     The mitochondrial matrix contains an abundance of  generation, referred to as elementary particles, consist of
                  the enzymes involved in the oxidation of pyruvate and  a globular enzyme-containing head and a stalk connected
                  fatty acids. Breakdown of these substrates results in for-  to the inner membrane by a foot-plate (Figure 1.23) (refer
                  mation of acetyl-CoA which enters the citric acid cycle,  to biochemistry texts for further detail).
                  an enzyme-catalysed metabolic pathway that gives rise to   The inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to
                  CO , NADH, FADH  and CoA.                      many molecules. Abundant embedded phospholipids limit
                     2            2
                     The matrix also contains  mitochondrial  DNA  the passage of ions through the membrane.
                  (mtDNA), a specialised form of DNA that is synthesised   Outer membrane: The structure of the outer mito-
                  outside the nucleus. The presence of extranuclear DNA  chondrial membrane is similar to that of other biological
                  supports the conclusion that mitochondria originated from  membranes. Specialised transmembrane proteins facilitate
                  prokaryotes (bacteria) and accounts for the observation  the uptake of lipids and small proteins. These substances,
                  that mitochondria synthesise some of their own structural  comprising mainly enzymes, enter the intermembrane
                  proteins. The mitochondrial matrix also contains ribonu-  space. As the inner membrane is impermeable to these
                  cleic acids (ribosomal, messenger and transfer RNA).  molecules (without the aid of specific carriers), the

                  1.20  Mitochondrion with tubular projections (schematic).

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