Page 34 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 34

16  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   1.21  Mitochondrion (longitudinal and transverse sec-  1.22  Mitochondrion (longitudinal and transverse sec-
                   tions, x12,000).                               tions, x8000).

                   molecular composition of the intermembrane space is  seen with the light microscope (cells of the striated [secre-
                   similar to that of the cytosol.                tory] duct of salivary glands and the proximal tubule of
                                                                  the nephron). In spermatozoa, they form spirals around
                   NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF MITOCHONDRIA        the axonemal complex in the middle piece. Within skeletal
                   The number and density of mitochondria vary between  muscle cells, mitochondria lie between, and oriented paral-
                   cell types. Liver cells contain up to 3000 mitochondria,  lel to, bundles of myofilaments. In both spermatozoa and
                   depending on of their level of metabolic activity. A sus-  muscle, energy generated by the mitochondria is used for
                   tained increase in energy metabolism results in an increase  cellular contractility.
                   in the number and size of these organelles. Intoxication or
                   oxygen deprivation leads to a rapid reduction in the num-  Cell contractility and motility
                   ber of mitochondria, which swell or undergo vacuolar  Living cells are characterised by the ability to alter their
                   degeneration.                                  shape and to reposition their organelles through constant
                      Within the cytoplasm, mitochondria accumulate  movement  of  the  cytoplasm  (intracellular  transport).
                   in regions where the energy demand is greatest. Their  These functions are performed by a complex network of
                   intracellular migration usually occurs along adjacent  proteins embedded in the cytoplasm, collectively referred
                   microtubules. In some instances, they become stacked at  to as the cellular cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is com-
                   the base of the cell resulting in basal banding that can be  posed of three main structural proteins:

                                                                    ·  actin filaments (microfilaments),
                                                                    ·  microtubules and
                                                                    ·  intermediate filaments.

                                                                  The cell also contains numerous proteins that are asso-
                                                                  ciated with the structural proteins of the cytoskeleton.
                                                                  These create interconnections among the structural pro-
                                                                  teins, establish connections with the plasmalemma and
                                                                  participate in interactions with other proteins (see below).

                                                                  Actin filaments (microfilaments)
                   1.23  Inner mitochondrial membrane with elementary   Actin is an abundant protein in all cells, particularly mus-
                   particles (schematic).                         cle cells. Actin filaments (diameter 6–8 nm) are thinner,

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