Page 38 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 38

20  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   disappears. The MTOC also coordinates the formation of   Cilia and flagella are bounded by the plasmalemma.  new microtubules. The many proteins found in the peri-  Both have the same structure and are distinguished by their
                   centriolar material of the MTOC include γ-tubulin, which  length (cilia 2–10 μm, flagella up to 200 μm) (Figures 1.28
                   serves as the starting point for formation of new micro-
                                                                  to 1.30).
                   tubules. The α- and β-tubulin dimers attach in a specific
                   orientation to the γ-tubulin molecules.        Intermediate filaments
                                                                  Intermediate filaments are polypeptide chains that provide
                   Cilia                                          structural support for the cell. They are considered to be
                   Cilia and flagella are polar processes that extend as cel-  the least soluble components of the cytosol. Intermediate
                   lular evaginations from the free surface of the cell. The  fibres are typically arranged  in parallel, passing along
                   structural feature responsible for motility of cilia is a  lines of pressure and tension within the cytoplasm.
                   central axoneme composed of a pair of microtubules  Their diameter (8–10 nm) lies between that of actin fila-
                   surrounded by nine peripheral microtubule doublets  ments and microtubules (hence ‘intermediate’ filament).
                   (9×2+2).                                       Intermediate filaments are particularly well developed in

                                                                   Tubulin subunits (dimers)


                                                                              Cross-section of a microtubule
                                                                              (13 protofilaments)

                                                                                   Two central microtubules

                                                                                       Microtubule doublets
                                                                                       Dynein arms
                         Microtubule doublets


                                                                                         Microtubule doublets

                                                                    Dynein arms
                                  Basal body

                   1.30  Representations of a microtubule and cilium (schematic). Microtubules are composed of tubulin subunits
                   (tubulin dimers) that join together to form a hollow cylinder. Within cilia, microtubules form the axoneme,
                   consisting of two central microtubules surrounded by nine microtubule doublets. Radial spokes connect the
                   doublets to a central sheath, while dynein arms interconnect the microtubule pairs.

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