Page 414 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 414

FIG. 14.14  Major differences between Th1 and Th2 populations.                         are the set of effector cytokines they secrete.
                           Note that the polarizing cytokines that trigger them are different, as

                           FIG. 14.15  Different antigens can trigger distinctly different Th cell
                           subpopulations. For example, T cells exposed to a parasite antigen
                            from the roundworm Toxocara canis mount a type 2 response and
                              secrete IL-4 and IL-5. In contrast, T cells exposed to PPD, an
                           antigen from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mount a type 1 response
                           characterized by secretion of IFN-γ and IL-2. (From Del Prete G, De Carli
                            M, Mastromauro C, et al: Purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
                            and excretory-secretory antigen(s) of Toxocara canis expand in vitro human T cells
                              with stable and opposite (type 1 T helper or type 2 T helper) profile of cytokine
                                          production, J Clin Invest 88:346-350, 1991.)


               Interferon-γ has some antiviral activity, but its major function is the

               regulation of Th1 cell responses (Fig. 14.16). IFN-γ is mainly
               produced by Th1 cells, CD8  cytotoxic T cells, and natural killer
               (NK) cells, with lesser amounts from antigen-presenting cells, B
               cells, and natural killer T (NKT) cells (Chapter 19). It activates cells

               through the JAK-STAT pathway. It promotes macrophage
               activation, suppresses Th2 cells, and enhances NK cell activity (Box

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