Page 125 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 125

Nervous tissue (textus nervosus)   107

                     Lysosomes, multivesicular bodies and lipid droplets are  (axoplasm) is contained within a membrane referred to  found in close association with the Golgi apparatus.  as the axolemma. The axoplasm contains large numbers
                     Also well developed is the rough endoplasmic reticu-
                                                                 of neurofilaments and neurotubules, accompanied by rela-
                  lum, which occupies a large proportion of the cytoplasm  tively few elongated mitochondria, several smooth-walled
                  in synthetically active cells. As the ribosomes are baso-  vesicles and occasional multivesicular bodies. Ribosomes
                  philic, the rER can be seen under the light microscope  occur sporadically in the axoplasm and endoplasmic
                  using methylene blue or toluidine blue stains. Together,  reticulum is sparse.
                  the ribosomes and associated rER are referred to as Nissl   At isolated locations along their length, axons send out
                  substance, after the German scientist Franz Nissl who  branches at right angles (collaterals). Axons end by arbo-
                  first observed them (Figure 5.8). The typical staining of  rising; the ends of the terminal branches have expanded
                  Nissl substance and the large nucleus aid in the histological   tips (end bulbs) that synapse with other cell processes.
                  identification of neurons.                     Axons of motor nerve fibres and sensory dendritic axons
                     The rER extends into the dendrites, but not into the  of pseudo-unipolar neurons are surrounded by a sheath
                  axon. The ER-free site at which the axon arises from the  of myelin. The axons of postganglionic autonomic nerve
                  cell body is termed the axon hillock (Figure 5.8).  fibres are not myelinated.
                     Mitochondria are abundant in the body of active nerve
                  cells. The endogenous pigment lipofuscin is usually also  Energy supply and axonal transport
                  present, while melanin granules are occasionally observed.  Mitochondria in the perikaryon, dendrites and axon
                  Accumulation of lipofuscin is common in senescent nerve  are responsible for oxidative breakdown of glucose or
                  cells.                                         ketones. The resulting ATP provides energy for synthesis
                     Neurofilaments and neurotubules (neuronal microtu-  of proteins and RNA (for ongoing cell renewal), for Na /
                  bules) are characteristic features of nerve cells. Particularly  K -ATPase in the axolemma (for signal conduction) and for
                  in the perikaryon, these form the cytoskeleton of the cell  axonal transport systems.
                  and assemble the organelles into organised structures.   Enzymes and proteins required at nerve synapses must
                  Neurofilaments form aggregates (neurofibrils) that can  be transported to the terminals via axonal transport.
                  be demonstrated using the Bodian method (Figure 5.3).  Mitochondria and low-molecular weight substances, some-
                  Neurofilaments, neurotubules and mitochondria extend  times in the form of vesicles, are also transported within
                  into the dendrites and the axon, where they serve to stabi-  the axon. Dendrites and axons generally lack the full com-
                  lise the cell and contribute to neuro-secretory processes.  plement of organelles required for protein biosynthesis.
                                                                    Axonal transport is categorised as fast (200–500 mm/
                  Nerve cell processes                           day) or slow (2–5 mm/day). The process is ATP-dependent
                                                                 and utilises neurotubules and neurofilaments. Antegrade
                  DENDRITES                                      transport systems (fast and slow) carry substances from the
                  Dendrites are arborising processes that extend from the peri-  perikaryon to the synapse. Concurrently, retrograde sys-
                  karyon of most neurons (Figure 5.8). The organelles found  tems (fast) return metabolic end products in the opposite
                  in their primary stem and side branches are similar to those  direction, to the cell body.
                  in the perikaryon (rER and free ribosomes, numerous neuro-
                  filaments and neurotubules), although the Golgi apparatus  Synapse
                  disappears with increased dendritic branching. The termi-  Synapses are specialised intercellular junctions at which
                  nal dendritic branches contain numerous neurofilaments,  impulses are conducted by electrical or chemical mecha-
                  neurotubules and mitochondria that facilitate dendritic  nisms from one neuron to another, or from a neuron to an
                  transport. Distributed over the surface of the dendrites are  effector organ. Electrical synapses consist of gap junctions
                  numerous axodendritic synapses, at which the dendrites reg-  that permit rapid transmission of impulses across regions
                  ulate control circuits between various neurons. Dendrites  of reduced electrical resistance. While electrical synapses
                  can also act as sense organs, taking up electrophysiological  are common in invertebrates and fish, they occur only
                  impulses directly from their environment. They convey neu-  rarely between mature mammalian neurons (gap junctions
                  ronal impulses towards the cell body.          between smooth muscle cells are functional equivalents).
                                                                    Chemical synapses (Figure 5.9) are the main type of
                  AXONS                                          synapse, occurring predominantly at the end of an axon.
                  Arising from the cell body at the axon hillock, the axon con-  They consist of:
                  ducts neural impulses away from the cell body (Figure 5.8).
                  Axons of different nerve cells vary in length. For a given   ·  a presynaptic axonal component (synaptic end bulb),
                  type of nerve cell, however, the diameter of the axon (1–20   ·  the synaptic cleft and
                  μm) is consistent along its length. The axonal cytoplasm   ·  a postsynaptic component (postsynaptic membrane).

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