Page 128 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 128

110  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  Glial cells accompany axons along their entire length, pro-
                     ·  somatic efferent motor nerve fibres: transmit   ·  visceral afferent autonomic fibres and    viding support and nutrition to the nerve fibre. They also
                       impulses to the periphery (skeletal striated muscle),
                                                                  perform an important role in the transmission of neural
                                                                  impulses, and thus it is functionally significant that the
                     ·  visceral efferent autonomic fibres: parasympathetic
                       and sympathetic involuntary nerve fibres that regu-  cells surround the nerve process completely. Nerve fibres
                       late the function of the internal organs.  that become invested in multiple concentric layers of glial
                                                                  cell cytoplasm are referred to as myelinated fibres (Figure
                                                                  5.14). In unmyelinated fibres, the nerve fibre occupies an
                                                                  invagination in the glial cell cytoplasm.

                   5.11  Multipolar neuron of the central nervous system with glial cells (astrocytes and an oligodendrocyte)

                   5.12  Portion of the perikaryon of a multipolar neuron (top right) with surrounding neuropil (network of neu-
                   ronal and glial cell processes) (x9000).

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