Page 394 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 394

376  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   16.39  Macula (schematic).

                   tors, responding to pressure or tension on the stereocilia.  mation of the cupula, brought about by movement of
                   The resulting change in electric potential elicits a neural  endolymph.
                                                                  Auditory apparatus (pars auditiva labyrinthi,
                   SEMICIRCULAR DUCTS (DUCTUS SEMICIRCULARES)     labyrinthus cochlearis)
                   The epithelial lining of the semicircular ducts resembles  In the strictest sense, the organ of hearing consists of the
                   that of the sacculus and utriculus. Near their opening into  cochlea and the spiral organ (organ of Corti). These inter-
                   the utriculus, the three semicircular ducts expand into an  nal components of the auditory apparatus are preceded
                   ampulla (ampulla membranacea) (Figure 16.38). There,  by the outer and middle ear, which convey sound waves
                   the loose connective tissue thickens to form a transverse  to the inner ear through the vestibular window (Figures
                   ridge that projects into the lumen as the core of the crista  16.37 and 16.40 to 16.43). The cochlea is a spiral-shaped
                   ampullaris. The ridge is overlaid by a neuro-epithelial layer  osseous canal (canalis spiralis cochlea). The spirals (2.5
                   of supporting and sensory cells, similar to those of the  revolutions in the horse, 3.5 in the ox, 4 in the pig, 3 in car-
                   maculae sacculi and utriculae.                 nivores) wind around a central axis composed of spongy
                      In contrast to the maculae, the surface of the crista  bone (modiolus). The spiral ganglion of the cochlear nerve
                   ampullaris is covered by a club-shaped cupula. This layer,  lies at the outer edge of the modiolus (Figures 16.37, 16.40
                   composed of glycoproteins, is not coated with crystals.  and 16.41).
                   The crista ampullaris responds to rotational movement.   An osseous spiral shelf (lamina spiralis ossea) projects
                   Neural signals are generated by displacement and defor-  from the modiolus into the spiral canal of the cochlea

                                                                             16.40  Cochlea (pig). Haematoxylin and
                                                                             eosin stain (x32).

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